Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics

Jakobi 2, III korrus, ruumid 302-337
51005 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
+372 737 5314

E-mail of the Institute:


Bruno Mölder
Bruno Mölder
Head of Institute
Dr. phil. (Philosophy)
+372 737 6619
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople
Personal webpage

Topics of research and supervision

Philosophy of mind in general and in particular:

  • Interpretivism in philosophy of mind
  • Mental fictionalism
  • Folk psychology and scientific study of the mind
  • Experience of time and the metaphysics of time
  • Understanding other people
  • Free will 
Margot Must
Marketing and Communications Specialist 0.8 p
MA (European Studies)
Bruno Mölder
Bruno Mölder
Head of Department
Dr. phil. (Philosophy)
+372 737 6619
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople
Personal webpage

Topics of research and supervision

Philosophy of mind in general and in particular:

  • Interpretivism in philosophy of mind
  • Mental fictionalism
  • Folk psychology and scientific study of the mind
  • Experience of time and the metaphysics of time
  • Understanding other people
  • Free will 

Chair of History of Philosophy

Roomet Jakapi
Roomet Jakapi
Head of Chair, Associate Professor of History of Philosophy
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-325

CV in Research Information System
Personal website

Topics of research and supervision

  • Early Modern Metaphysics and Epistemology 
  • Natural Philosophy and Theology in Early Modern Britain 
  • Epistemology of Religion 
  • Religious Pluralism 

Chair of Intellectual History

Pärtel Piirimäe
Pärtel Piirimäe
Head of Chair, Professor of Intellectual History
PhD (History)
Jakobi 2-324

CV in Research Information System
Account on Academia platform

Topics of research and supervision

  • European and Estonian intellectual history
  • Early modern political thought and international thought
  • History of early modern international law
  • History of early modern natural law and moral philosophy
  • History of early modern propaganda
  • History of historiography
Meelis Friedenthal
Meelis Friedenthal
Associate Professor of Intellectual History 0.5 p
dr. theol.

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • History of European and Estonian intellectual history
  • History of theology and philosophy
  • History of universities, history of books, disputations, digital humanities
Eduard Parhomenko
Junior Lecturer in History of Philosophy
MA (Philosophy)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Kant and German Idealism 
  • Phenomenology 
  • Aesthetics and Phenomenological Approach to Art 
  • Estonian Intellectual History and Philosophy 
  • Soviet Philosophy 
Timo Aava
Visiting Research Fellow
Dr. phil.
Pille Tekku
Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy 0.5 p
MA (Philosophy)

Chair of Practical Philosophy

Kadri Simm
Kadri Simm
Head of Chair, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-328

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Moral philosophy
  • Practical ethics, esp bioethics, medical ethics, ethical aspects of AI
  • Research ethics/integrity
  • Political philosophy, esp justice, feminist theories
Siobhan Kattago
Siobhan Kattago
Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy
PhD (Sociology)
Jakobi 2–320

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople

Topics of research and supervision

  • Modernity and its discontents
  • History of political thought
  • Political philosophy of Hannah Arendt
  • Memory, history and tradition
  • Critical theory of the Frankfurt school
  • Political and social philosophy
  • Politics of memory
  • Representation and responsibility
Francesco Orsi
Francesco Orsi
Associate Professor of Theoretical Ethics, Programme Director for Philosophy (MA)
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-326

CV in Research Information System
Personal website

Topics of research and supervision

  •     Ethics (utilitarianism, deontology etc)
  •     Metaethics
  •     History of ethics
  •     Practical ethics
  •     Ethics and philosophy of sexuality 
  •     Philosophy of action

Chair of Theoretical Philosophy

Bruno Mölder
Bruno Mölder
Head of Chair, Professor of Philosophy of Mind
Dr. phil. (Philosophy)
+372 737 6619
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople
Personal webpage

Topics of research and supervision

Philosophy of mind in general and in particular:

  • Interpretivism in philosophy of mind
  • Mental fictionalism
  • Folk psychology and scientific study of the mind
  • Experience of time and the metaphysics of time
  • Understanding other people
  • Free will 
Uku Tooming
Research Fellow in Theoretical Philosophy, Programme Director
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2–321

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople

Topics of research and supervision

  • Imagination
  • Desires
  • Epistemology of imagination and memory
  • Self-knowledge
  • Aesthetic normativity
  • Aesthetic experience
  • Pleasure 

Chair of Philosophy of Science

Endla Lõhkivi
Endla Lõhkivi
Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2-323

CV in Research Information System
CV in PhilPeople

Topics of research and supervision

  • Empirically informed philosophy of science
  • Values in science
  • Cultures of scientific research
  • Objectivity of science
  • Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research practices 
Ave Mets
Ave Mets
Research Fellow in Philosophy of Science 0.4 p
PhD (Philosophy)
Jakobi 2–323

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Philosophy and History of Science and Technology
  • Epistemology
  • Philosophy of Law
Jaana Eigi-Watkin
Jaana Eigi-Watkin
Research Fellow in Philosophy of Science (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Philosophy)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Social factors in science
  • Epistemic/inductive risk
  • Science in democratic society
  • Participation of non-scientists in science
  • Empirically informed philosophy of science
  • Objectivity 
Tiit Remm
Head of Department, Research Fellow in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of space
  • Semiotics of the city
  • Sociosemiotics
Peeter Torop
Professor of Semiotics of Culture
PhD (Philology)
+372 737 6155
Jakobi 2-308

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of culture
  • Semiotics of translation
  • Semiotics of literature
  • Cultural theories
Timo Maran
Professor of Ecosemiotics and Environmental Humanities
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 6139
Jakobi 2-311

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Ecosemiotics
  • Ecocriticism
  • Mimicry
  • Estonian nature writing
Andreas Ventsel
Professor of Political and Sociosemiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 5562 9976
Jakobi 2–314

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Political semiotics
  • Semiotic analysis of online communication
  • Semiotics of culture
  • Poststructuralist discourse theory
Mihhail Lotman
Visiting Professor of Semiotics 0.1 p
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 5934
Jakobi 2–307

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • General and cultural semiotics
  • Semiotics of verse,
  • Rhetorics and poetics
  • Analysis of film
  • Text theory
  • Russian literature
Maarja Ojamaa
Associate Professor of Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-314

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of digital culture
  • Semiotics of cultural education
  • Cultural autocommunication
  • Transmediality
Silvi Salupere
Lecturer in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 6154
Jakobi 2-314

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • History of semiotics
  • Semiotics metalanguage
  • Juri Lotman's cultural semiotics
Anti Randviir
Lecturer in Semiotics, Programme Director for Semiotics and Culture Studies
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
+372 737 5934
Jakobi 2-309

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Sociosemiotics
  • Semiotics of space
  • Subculture studies
  • Semiotic language of description
Katre Pärn
Junior Lecturer in Semiotics, Programme Director for Semiotics and Culture Studies (BA)
Jakobi 2-302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Cultural semiotics and analysis of culture
  • Semiotics of film and media semiotics
Silver Rattasepp
Research Fellow in Semiotics 0.5 p, Programme Director for Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–304

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Posthumanism
  • Animal studies
  • Zoosemiotics
  • Philosophy of science
Riin Magnus
Research Fellow in Semiotics 0.75 p
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Urban ecosemiotics
  • Jakob von Uexküll’s biosemiotics
  • Human-non-human animal communication
  • Semiotics of alien species
Auli Viidalepp
Research Fellow in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • technosemiotics
  • technological systems and society
  • deepfakes and synthetic media
  • science and technology studies
Nelly Mäekivi
Research Fellow in Semiotics, Programme Director for Semiotics and Culture Studies (MA)
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–302

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Ecosemiotics
  • Semiotic analysis of hybrid environments
  • Zoobiology
Mari-Liis Madisson
Research Fellow in Semiotics
PhD (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–313

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Semiotics of culture
  • Political semiotics
  • Media semiotics
  • Processes of identification
  • Online culture
  • Conspiracy theories
Yekaterina Lukina
Junior Research Fellow in Semiotics and Culture Studies 0.5 p
Jakobi 2–304
Eleni Alexandri
Junior Research Fellow in Semiotics 0.5 p
MA (Semiotics)
Jakobi 2–309
Rene Kiis
Junior Research Fellow in Semiotics
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2-304
Tuuli Pern
International Relations Specialist 0.5 p
+372 737 5954
Ulvi Urm
Executive Secretary
+372 737 5933
Jakobi 2-317

Centre for Semiotic Applications, University of Tartu

Martin Oja
Administrative Manager
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Jakobi 2–314
Ulla Juske
Administrative Manager (employment contract suspended)
MA (Semiotics and Culture Studies)
Pildil on naine seismas treppide taustal
Helen Hirsnik
Values Development Consultant for Schools and Kindergartens 0.5 p