Defence of Master's theses in "Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies" on Tuesday, August 27

Defence of Master's theses in "Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies" on Tuesday, August 27 at Ülikooli 16-212.

12:00 Mohammad Abu Sayed Toyon "Opportunities and Challenges in promoting culture: empirical study on cultural institutions of Tartu"; supervisor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, reviewer Anastasiya Astapova

13:00 Savannah Rivka Powell "Songs for the end of Kyriarchy: Care and repair through critical emancipatory historiography in folk ensembles"; supervisor Ergo-Hart Västrik, reviewer Rebeka Põldsam

14:15 Nurjahan Hadi "Transformation of a traditional textile craft: A case study of Nakshi Kantha"; supervisors Ave Matsin ja Kristi Jõeste, reviewer Kadri Tüür

All are welcome!

Information: Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, Liilia Laaneman,

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