New course about Serbian Folklore, April 2016

A new course Serbian folklore: introduction into its classical forms in the context of South Slavic culture (FLKU.04.145: 3 ECTS) can be taken as an optional course by all PhD, MA and BA students.

Prof. Zoja Karanović (University of Novi Sad, Serbia) will give lectures from 15th to 25th  April 2016. Everybody is welcome to attend!

15.04.2016 lecture at 10.15-12.00. Introduction. From oral to written - a short history of collecting and recording Serbian and South Slavic folklore, focusing on the Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic's work (Ülikooli 16-215)

15.04.2016 lecture at 12.15-14.00. Genres of Serbian Folklore: Prose narratives (myth, legend, folk-tale) (Ülikooli 16-215)

18.04.2016 lecture at 10.15-12.00. Genres of Serbian Folklore: Folk poetry: Lyric songs (Calendar folk poetry; Initiation rites and lyric folk poetry; Love songs) (Ülikooli 16-109)

22.04.2016 lecture atl 10.15-12.00. Genres of Serbian Folklore: Ballads (structure, nature of conflicts, heroes)

22.04.2016 lecture at 12.15-14.00 Serbian epic poetry (structure, nature of conflicts, heroes) (Ülikooli 16-215)

25.04.2016 seminar at 10.15-12.00 Sixth class is reserved for the final discussion (Ülikooli 16-109)