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Aet Annist from the UNESCO chair is part of an expert team convened by UNESCO.
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From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.
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14:15, 12th June, room 212, Ülikooli 16.
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Follow-up story.
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Speakers from each field are invited to give engaging presentations in Estonian or English, outlining the importance and results of their research.
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On 13 June at 12:00 Valentina Punzi will defend her doctoral thesis "Making (hi)stories in Amdo: voices, genres, and authorities".
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2024 ESITIS Conference explored the radical pluralities at the heart of contemporary interreligious engagement.
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The three-week night library begins this spring on May 20th. Organized together with the UT Student Council, the night library has been offering students the opportunity to...
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In the coming academic year, singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand will become the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, with a lecture course focusing on life-changing creation. She will be succeeded by Peeter Jalakas, former professor and director, who will participate in a public discussion titled “Feeling and meaning” in the attic hall of Tartu Cathedral on the evening of 23 May.
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However, most young people who have moved across the border still consider it important to identify as Estonian.
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On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
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Kant and his Followers on Self-Determination
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The keynote speeches of the conference are given by Bogi Takács Perelmutter (University of Kansas) (US), Anindita Banerjee (Cornell University) (US) and Meelis Friedenthal (University of Tartu) (EST).
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Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students from the University of Tartu are invited to an international student conference ”Bridges in the Baltics“, held at Vilnius University in Lithuania from 4 to 5 October 2024.
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Aprillis kogunes CULTURALITY konsortsium. Avakoosolekut saatis näitus "Loojaid ja hoidjaid: Women Weaving Europe".
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Dr Shawn C. Rowlands is an anthropologist and historian with diverse professional interests in human cultures.
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University of Tartu invites applications for doctoral studies from future researchers and top professionals.
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The lecture can be watched on the ENLIGHT EU Youtube channel.
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The event will take place on 23 April at 16.15.
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On Friday, April 5, at 16:15 - opening of the exhibition "Kant 300 in Tartu: from manuscripts to heaven" at the university library. The exhibition features original manuscripts of the philosopher's lecture courses and correspondence, as well as first editions of his works from the collections of the University of Tartu Library.
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