Siarhiej Makarevich is defending his Master's project "Revitalisation of the Local Weaving Tradition in the Hancavičy District (Belarus)" on February 22 at 1:00 pm

Siarhiej Makarevich of the international "Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies" programme is defending his Master's project "Revitalisation of the Local Weaving Tradition in the Hancavičy District (Belarus)" (sup. prof. Kristin Kuutma) on February 22 at 1:00 pm.

The practical component of the procject can be found here:…

Reviewer: Dr. Alena Leshkevich (Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw).

Join us in Ülikooli 16 room 109 or via Zoom (; Meeting ID: 960 6529 5520, Passcode: 911840).

All are welcome!

Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore

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