Studies in the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore

In the field of folklore, students learn about folk tales, songs and religions and mythology of Estonia and related nations. Special courses introduce family and local traditions and the role of folklore in political processes. Folklore is like a communication through which an often invisible, everyday culture is conveyed, shaping the world of thought of people past and present in oral, written and digital form.

Folklore directs an open look at what unites people and what separates them, how identity and the worldview are formed, how customs change and persist. It can be chosen as a specialty at both bachelor's and master's level.


Deadline for submitting BA and MA theses at the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore

  • Deadline for submitting BA theses is May ...., 2022
  • Defence of the BA theses will take place in June ...., 2022
  • Deadline for submitting MA theses is ....., 2021
  • Defence of the MA theses will take place in June ....., 2021

Graduation celebrations:

BA - 20.06.2022 at 12

MA - 16.06.2022 ar 12

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