Students of the “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” Master’s programme are defending their MA theses and projects on January 21 starting at 10:00 am. You are welcome to join us in Microsoft Teams.
Katarina Stradner
MA thesis "Creating a Representation: The Singing to the Accompaniment of the Gusle as a Nomination to the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage"
Supervisor Kristin Kuutma
Reviewer Krstiina Porila
Lily Jane Gartland
MA project "The Ghostlore Podcast: The Tangible in the Intangible"; practical component: The Ghostlore Podcast:
Supervisors Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Ülo Valk
Reviewer Tiina Sepp
Solveiga Kaļva
MA project "Avj: Portrait of a Pamiri Village"; practical component: book manuscript Where Mountain Spirits Live: Portrait of a Pamiri Village
Supervisor Anastasiya Astapova
Reviewer Madis Arukask
Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
Information: Liilia Laaneman,