Defence of MA theses on Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies on January 21, 2021

Students of the “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” Master’s programme are defending their MA theses and projects on January 21 starting at 10:00 am. You are welcome to join us in Microsoft Teams.

Katarina Stradner
MA thesis "Creating a Representation: The Singing to the Accompaniment of the Gusle as a Nomination to the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage"
Supervisor Kristin Kuutma
Reviewer Krstiina Porila

Lily Jane Gartland
MA project "The Ghostlore Podcast: The Tangible in the Intangible"; practical component: The Ghostlore Podcast:
Supervisors Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, Ülo Valk
Reviewer Tiina Sepp

Solveiga Kaļva
MA project "Avj: Portrait of a Pamiri Village"; practical component: book manuscript Where Mountain Spirits Live: Portrait of a Pamiri Village
Supervisor Anastasiya Astapova
Reviewer Madis Arukask

Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
Information: Liilia Laaneman,

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