Defences of MA theses and projects in “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” May 27, 2019

Defences of MA theses and projects in “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” May 27, 2019 (Ülikooli 16-212)


10:15-11:15 Yuliya Len “Jewish community of Berdychiv and the early Soviet policies” (MA thesis),
supervisor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, reviewer Ergo-Hart Västrik
11:15-12:15 Kateřina Fuksová “Memory of Stalinist deportations in Moldova: an analysis of Chisinau memoryscape” (MA thesis),
supervisor Ene Kõresaar, reviewer Christiana Holsapple
12:15-12:30 break
12:30-13:30 Michele Tita “Tarantism: from an Ancient Syndrome to a New Form of Heritage in Southern Italy” (MA thesis),
supervisors: Ülo Valk, Elo-Hanna Seljamaa; reviewer Dario Tamburrano
13:30-14:30 Denise McKeown “Folklore and the vernacular of companion dog cloning” (MA project),
supervisor Maarja Kaaristo, reviewer Kristel Kivari

Information: Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, Liilia Laaneman,

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