Symposium "Stories of Hope and Fear: Mapping Emotions and Affects in Life, Arts, and Literature", August 24-25, 2016, in Palmse Manor

This symposium responds to the current upsurge in interest in narrative and emotion and the role of literature and arts as “emotional repositories” of culture and as human "equipment for living” in an ever-changing world (Kenneth Burke).

Keynote speakers:
Anu Koivunen,
Professor of Cinema and Media Studies,  University of Stockholm
Matthew Ratcliffe, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Vienna


9.00-9.15 Margit Sutrop (Dean of the UT Faculty of the Humanities, Professor of Practical Philosophy). Opening words
9.15-9.30  Welcome notes: Prof. Mari Hatavara, Prof. Pirjo Lyytikäinen
9.30-9.50 Prof. Marina Grishakova. Introduction: Towards an Integrated Study of Narrative and Emotion

10.00-10.30 Dr Joel Krueger (University of Exeter). Cognitive extension, emotions, and the aesthetic niche
10.30-11.00 Dr Fabrice Teroni (University of Geneva). The rationality of emotions

11.30-12.30  Keynote 1.  Prof. Matthew Ratcliffe. Psychosis, Anxiety, and Alienation: Interpreting First-Person Narratives

13.45-14.15 Dr Raili Marling (University of Tartu). Negative feelings and feminist stories in the age of neoliberal biopolitics  
14.15-14.45 Dr Carsten Stage (University of Aarhus). Cancer and social media - assemblages of affect, biological citizenship and valuation

15.00-15.30 Dr Julian Hanich (University of Groningen). Anger in the Cinema: Toward a Phenomenology of a Non-Aesthetic Emotion
15.30-16.00 Dr Beate Schappach (University of Bern). The Dramaturgy of Dusk and Dawn. The Liminal Space as a Sphere of Affection

16.30-17.00 Prof. Anneli Saro&Dr Hedi-Liis Toome (University of Tartu). The Role of Emotions in the Reception of Drama, Opera, and Dance
17.00-17.30 Dr Kristyn Gorton (University of York).  Emotional Engagements with the Television Screen


9.00-9.30 Prof. Pirjo Lyytikäinen (University of Helsinki). Studying Emotion Effects in Literature
9.30-10.00 Dr Riikka Rossi (University of Helsinki). Disgust and Compassion: Complexity of Emotions and Antinomies of Realism

10.30-11.00 Prof. Sibylle Baumbach (University of Innsbruck). Fear and Fascination: Conflicting Emotions and Narrative Absorption in English Literature
11.00-11.30 Dr Katja Mellmann (University of Göttingen). 'Suspense' as an umbrella term. An emotion-psychological perspective

11.45-12.45 Keynote 2. Prof. Anu Koivunen. Vulnerability, Shame and Pride: Affective Legacies in New Narratives about Sweden Finns

14.00-14.30  Dr Jarkko Toikkanen & Dr Hanna Rautajoki (University of Tampere). Intermedial Experience and Affectivity
14.30-15.00 Dr Anna Hollsten (University of Helsinki). Stories of Grief and Consolation: An Emotional Impact of Elegiac Poetry
15.00-15.30 Dr Elise Nykänen (University of Helsinki). Existing to Hate. Literary Existentialism and Negative Emotions in Lassi Nummi’s Hatred

16.00-17.00  PhD session
Laura Piippo (University of Jyväskylä). Excessive affects in contemporary experimental prose literature
Kairi Jets (University of Tartu). Narrative techniques of representation of fear and anxiety in contemporary fiction of Japan and the West
Siim Sorokin (University of Tartu). The Lives of Characters: Affective World-Building in the Internet Reception of Breaking Bad

17.15-18.15  Closing discussion. Moderator: Prof. Mari Hatavara

Places are limited, please send your expression of interest to Dr. Hedi-Liis Toome

Institute of Cultural Research and Arts (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Department of Finnish Studies (University of Helsinki, Finland)
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies (University of Tampere, Finland)

Organizing committee: Dr. Hedi-Liis Toome (coordinator), Prof. Marina Grishakova (Tartu), Prof. Mari Hatavara (Tampere), Prof. Pirjo Lyytikäinen (Helsinki), Dr. Raili Marling, Prof. Anneli Saro, Kairi Jets, Siim Sorokin (Tartu).

The event is supported by the Estonian Research Council (Grant PUT192), and by the (European Union) European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies).