What is a UNESCO Chair?


UNESCO is an organisation with global scope: it is a United Nations agency for education, science, and culture with its headquarters in Paris. UNESCO Chairs Programme fosters international cooperation between universities and boosts networking in key areas that address global challenges, generating, therefore, innovative research and establishing new teaching initiatives.

UNESCO Chairs have been established all over the world since the launch of the programme in 1992. They aim to enhance higher education and scientific research through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. They promote international institutional cooperation with an agenda of wider social impact. The networks of UNESCO Chairs serve as thinktanks that inform policy decisions, enrich existing university programmes, and generate innovative research while promoting cultural diversity and UN sustainable development goals.

UNESCO Chairs in the field of intangible cultural heritage have a vital role to play in the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Currently, thirteen UNESCO Chairs have been established in the field of intangible cultural heritage. The whole network of UNESCO Chairs counts more than 900 members from 114 countries.

UNESCO Chairs in the field of intangible cultural heritage:

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