Topic: international

New international research project of the UNESCO Chair is about collective singing
New international research project of the UNESCO Chair is about collective singing. With partners from Scandinavia and the Baltic countries the UNESCO Chair is going to study the potential of collective singing in times of social crises.
UNESCO Chair contributes to an open access heritage handbook
Researchers from the UNESCO Chair discuss issues of inequality in the newly published handbook on intangible cultural heritage. The entire book is accessible online.
22. January 2025 internationalresearch
The UNESCO Chair contributes to global discussion about living heritage and climate change
The UNESCO guidance note on climate action for living heritage has been adopted. Aet Annist from the UNESCO Chair (University of Tartu) also contributed to this document.
UNESCO Chairs dedicated to living heritage met in Paraguay
This week the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage meets in Paraguay. This was an opportunity for the The UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage (University of Tartu) to present our recent and current initiatives to other chairholders.
Apply for the virtual thesis writing workshop
Are you a Bachelor's or Master's student starting or already working on your thesis? Do you want to strengthen your skills to navigate the thesis writing process with confidence?
28. January 2025 for studentinternational
Join the LIVIND research webinar on December 17
The Finnish Heritage Agency invites you to join the LIVIND webinar on December 17 to learn about the key insights that the research team of the LIVIND project, led by Kristin Kuutma, gathered throughout the project.
The RISE UP consortium met in Setomaa
The RISE UP consortium met in Setomaa, Estonia early October.
Two large book donations supplement the library’s humanities collection
In the summer, two large book donations were made to the University of Tartu Library, adding to its existing collection of books on the classical and early modern periods.
Seth Schermerhorn's study visit to the University of Tartu on 11.-21. October
In connection with the visit, there will be a lecture and film screening.
02. October 2024 internationalresearch