Annual Meeting of the Academic Folklore Society on May 30, 2013

Annual Meeting of the Akadeemiline Rahvaluule Selts (Academic Folklore Society) will take place on May 30 at 16.15 in the Estonian Literary Museum (Vanemuise 42).


  • Madis Arukask's presentation "Tähelepanekuid inimkehast traditsioonilises kultuuris",
  • Announcement of the receiver of the Annual Prize of Estonian Folklorist,
  • Presentation of the book by Ingrid Rüütel "Naised Kihnu kultuuris" (Sator 11. EKM Teaduskirjastus 2013),
  • Presentation of the book by Reet Hiiemäe " Ended ja ennustamised eesti rahvausundis" (Pegasus, 2013),
  • Reports by the Board of the Society, elections of the new Board.

All are welcome!

Board of the Academic Folklore Society
Information: Eda Kalmre 7377 741

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