CECT IV Autumn Conference "Things in Culture, Culture in Things" on October 20-22, 2011

CECT IV Autumn Conference "Things in Culture, Culture in Things" is held on October 20-22, 2011, in the University of Tartu. Conference takes place in the Main Building, Ülikooli 18-139 and 140.

CECT IV Autumn conference includes an introductory presentation by Prof. Valter Lang, head of CECT; plenary lectures (4); parallel sessions (10); conclusions by session moderators and publication plans at the closing of the conference. In addition there will take place an exhibition of poster presentations by CECT members and a book exhibition sale representing the work of CECT research groups (Ülikooli 18-138). Evening program includes a film session on October 21, “Lotman’s world” is introduced by film’s scriptwriter Rein Pakk.

Conference program is available on CECT homepage: http://www.ut.ee/CECT.

Plenary lectures of the conference:

Prof. Stephen H. Riggins (Department of Sociology, Memorial University of Newfoundland): "The natural order is decay: The home as an ephemeral art project"

Dr. Elizabeth Crooke (Museum and Heritage Studies, University of Ulster): ""Bullet holes bring reality“: The significance of things in the context of the Northern Ireland conflict"

Prof. Dr. Ruth-E. Mohrmann (Seminar für Volkskunde/ Europäische Ethnologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster): "Research into the history of material culture"

Joanna Sofaer (Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton): "Pots and stories"

If you wish to participate fully in the programm (incl. meals), please register on CECT homepage.

More information: Monika Tasa, CECT coordinator, phone 737 6535, 533 14 613.

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