Course on vernacular healing and New Age by Judit Kis-Halas in April-May 2013

Judit Kis-Halas (Hungary, University of Pécs) reads a course "Healthcare, healers and healing: vernacular practices in New Age" for students of all study levels at the University of Tartu between April 2nd and May 22nd, 2013. Course code is FLKU.04.107 (3 ECTS) and it is open for registration in the study information system (ÕIS).

Lectures will be held on Mondays at 12.15 and (Ülikooli 16-215) and on Wednesdays at 10.15 (Ülikooli 16-215).

The course provides a conceptual overview of New Age phenomenon by introducing the diverse definitions and different approaches both in social sciences and in religious studies that have been created so far. Since healing is one of the key metaphors in New Age discourses, the course enumerates the different interpretations. Furthermore it also offers a comprehensive review of different New Age healing techniques and practices, and displays recent attempts in generating typologies of them. Ties between traditional / popular healing methods of vernacular / folk-healing and present day New Age practices are especially highlighted. Therefore special attention is dedicated to 19th and 20th century folk-healing practices both in Central-Eastern Europe and other continents within the research history of folkloristics, medical anthropology and the cultural history of medicalization. The detailed introduction is illustrated by Central European examples of current healing practices primarily, however medical anthropological case studies of a brother geographical and social contest are also considered. The research material and case studies are drawn on the data of present day anthropological fieldwork.

More information: Judit Kis-Halas, phone 737 6214, e-mail

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