Defence of MA theses on Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies on June 29, 2020

On Monday, June 29th, two MA theses on Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies will be defended. Defences will be carried out online in Microsoft Teams environment at 10.00 and 11.15 am. If you are interested in joining the defence, please contact the coordinator of the programme.

Amaliya Prtavyan will defend her thesis titled "Magic and its Social Context in Contemporary Armenia: From Belief Narratives to Family Relations". This work was supervised by professor Ülo Valk and opponent is Dr. Judit Kis-Halas from the University of Ljubljana.

Paulina Vituščanka will defend thesis titled "Vernacular Belarusian writing in the Eastern provinces of the Second Polish Republic: a case study of narratives from the Lithuanian Central State Archives 368.1.22 and 368.1.49". Supervisors of the thesis were researcher Katre Kikas and senior researcher Elo-Hanna Seljamaa. Opponent will be senior researcher Jonathan Roper from the University of Tartu.

More information: coordinator of the programme Kristel Kivari,

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