Jonathan Roper's talk on Sternberg's Ghost in the Pre-modern seminar on March 11, 2013

On Monday March 11th Jonathan Roper will give a talk titled "Sternberg's Ghost". The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17, 3rd floor, room 305) at 18.15. Wine, bread, fruit, cheese and ham will be served.

Jonathan has sent us a short presentation of the lecture: "By rights, Vincent Thomas Sternberg should be remembered as the first author to use the term 'folklore' in the title of a monograph; he is, rather, remembered as the ghost of the Leeds library. This talk explains why."

The Pre-modern seminar is an interdisciplinary and informal seminar at Tartu University organized by the Department of Scandinavian Studies. It was founded in 2010 and has so far arranged 20 meetings with talks by scholars on different levels, both from Estonia and from abroad. The focus is on pre-1800 issues of all kinds.

Everybody is welcome!

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