New Collection of Articles on Experience, Perception and Corporeality (VanaVaraVedaja Vol. 8): Book Launch in the University Café, May 14, 2013

Collection of articles titled "Experience, Perception and Corporeality" (VanaVaraVedaja Vol. 8) is about to be published. VanaVaraVedaja is a periodical published by Tartu Nefa Group, an organization uniting students of ethnology and folkloristics from the University of Tartu and other people who are interested in those fields. The last volume in the series was published in 2011 and focused on the topic of fieldwork. One of the aims of Tartu Nefa Group is to give an experience of writing and editing scholarly articles to young researchers. Therefore most of the authors and editors of the current volume are students of different universities and with different disciplinary background.

The topics analyzed in the 8th volume are experience, perception and corporeality. The choice of topics was motivated by the question of how to interact with the research subject on various dimensions. The possibility of interdisciplinary approaches was also important in choosing the topics. The authors of VanaVaraVedaja 8 are students in the fields of folkloristics, ethnology, semiotics and linguistics, their topics vary from street art, body language, esoteric practices, tourism and dreaming to research perspectives and experiences in both archives and fieldwork situations. Among the authors, there are young scholars from Finland and USA as well. Articles are either in Estonian or in English, the articles in Estonian have lengthy summaries in English to present not only the main thesis but also the line of arguments used in the article.

The Presentation of VanaVaraVedaja 8 will be carried out in connection to the 3rd International Conference of Young Folklorists "Vernacular Expressions and Analytic Categories“. The public presentation of the collection of articles will take place on May 14 at 19.00 in University Café (Ülikooli 20, second floor).

Further information about Tartu Nefa Group can be found on the homepage , for questions about VanaVaraVedaja8 please send an e-mail to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Message was delivered by Lona Päll, membre of the Tartu Nefa Group

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