A new course "Witches, Healers, Magicians. Vernacular Magic and Healing in Early Modern Europe" in Autumn Semester 2014

Judit Kis-Halas (Hungary, University of Pécs) reads a course titled "Witches, Healers, Magicians. Vernacular Magic and Healing in Early Modern Europe" (FLKU.04.106; 3 ECTS) for students of all study levels in autumn semester 2014. The course is open for registration in the study information system (ÕIS).

Lectures will be held on October 9th and October 10th, 2014 at 10.15 (Ülikooli 16-212). The rest of the course will be carried out in the online environment.

More information: Liilia Laaneman, liilia.laaneman@ut.ee

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