New Special Issue Online: Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics Vol. 5 (1)

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics has just published its latest issue Vol. 5 (1) "Religion and the Re-identification of Ethnic Groups" online at

The current special issue, compiled by prof. Art Leete, is dedicated to studies of religious and identity changes in post-socialist regions. The authors grouped together here aim to provide interpretations to the dynamics of the contemporary religious landscape in Estonia and the Russian North as they appear after the collapse of the Soviet system.

This special issue was supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory, CECT), Estonian Science Foundation (grant no. 8335) and the Center for the Study of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in Russia.

More information: Ergo-Hart Västrik, editor-in-chief, phone: +372 7376 214, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics: Religion and the Re-identification of Ethnic Groups

Vol 5, No 1 (2011)

Table of Contents



Preface to the Special Issue (3)

Nanai Fairytales about the Cruel Bride (5-21)

Tatyana Bulgakova

Armastus, Andestus, Alandlikkus: The Rediscovery of the Orthodox Christianity in Post-Soviet Estonia (23-43)

Milena Benovska-Sabkova

Revolt of Grannies: The Bursylysyas Komi Folk Orthodox Movement (45-61)

Piret Koosa, Art Leete

Indigenous Agency in the Missionary Encounter: The Example of the Khanty and the Nenets (63-74)

Eva Toulouze

What Does Matter?: Idols and Icons in the Nenets Tundra (75-95)

Laur Vallikivi

The Izhma Komi and the Pomor: Two Models of Cultural Transformation (97-122)

Yuri Shabaev, Valery Sharapov

Notes and Reviews


Semiosis and the Culture of Rupture (123-124)

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