About the institute
Centre for Oriental Studies
UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Units and centers
Mongolian Research Laboratory
From 10 to 16 February, the University of Tartu will have a thematic week for Women in Science, aiming to underline the role of women and girls in science, break gender stereotypes and encourage women to pursue a career in science. During the week, a discussion on ensuring equal opportunities is held, and the university’s gender statistics are presented. It is also possible to take a curator’s tour of the exhibition in the university’s museum and see a travelling exhibition about astronomers.
The UNESCO guidance note on climate action for living heritage has been adopted. Aet Annist from the UNESCO Chair (University of Tartu) also contributed to this document.
The Finnish Heritage Agency invites you to join the LIVIND webinar on December 17 to learn about the key insights that the research team of the LIVIND project, led by Kristin Kuutma, gathered throughout the project.
Aet Annist from the UNESCO chair is part of an expert team convened by UNESCO.
The associate professor Aet Annist has co-authored the article Jeopardised Futures. Scanning the Horizon in a Changing Climate,
Aprillis kogunes CULTURALITY konsortsium. Avakoosolekut saatis näitus "Loojaid ja hoidjaid: Women Weaving Europe".
This spring the UNESCO Chair is invited to convene a webinar series at the Centre for Minorities Research, at Scotland’s oldest university of St Andrews.
On Wednesday, 10 April, at 19:00, the second University of Tartu Spring Run will take place.