New Horizon Europe project of the UNESCO Chair was kicked off with an exhibition

Koosolekul osalenud ülikooli ajaloolises raamatukogus.
Marta Fernández Vilar

On April 08-12, a kick-off meeting marked the official start of the CULTURALITY project. For this project the UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage has teamed up with Viljandi Culture Academy, also part of the University of Tartu.

The kick-off meeting was accompanied by the exhibition Creators & Keepers: Women Weaving Europe that all members of the consortium contributed to. Estonia is represented by the work of Monika Hint, an alumna of the Viljandi Culture Academy (see page 51 of the catalogue).

The exhibition seeks to offer an introduction to the ideals of the CULTURALITY project. It highlights the significance of crafts as a catalyst for development in remote rural areas, where job opportunities and stable populations are often scarce. The four-year project aims at enhancing the potential of these regions as destinations for tourism that prioritizes sustainability and respects local communities.

Siarhiej Makarevich ja Eesti väljapanek näitusel

Siarhiej Makarevich with the Estonian part of the exhibition.

Näituse kataloogi kaanepilt



CULTURALITY stands for CULTUral heritage in RurAL remote areas for creative tourism and sustainabilITY.

The first project meeting was hosted by the lead partner – the University of Oviedo from Spain – and brought together all 13 partners from 9 countries. The University of Tartu was represented by the junior research fellow Siarhiej Makarevich.


The official part of the kick-off meeting was complemented by field visits introducing different aspects of local living heritage.

In the four-year project the Estonian team will be leading the work package Fieldwork and Data Collection for Roadmap Development. We’ll be doing basic research in close cooperation with the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and other project partners. The focus is going to be on rural remote areas across Europe, including

  • mapping and inventorying of craftsmanship and other intangible cultural heritage elements,
  • analysing modern manifestations, the role of women, and circular economy best practices in traditional craftsmanship.

See also the homepage and Facebook page of the UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible CUltural Heritage.

Euroopa kaardil on märgitud projekti CULTURALITY partnerid
Projekti CULTURALITY partnerid (author: UNESCO õppetool)

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