
Enlight Lecture Series on "Culture & Creativity" lecture "Anthropocene and Cultural Shifts"

In this summer semester, the Enlight Lecture Series will focus on the topic "Culture & Creativity" starting with the "Anthropocene and Cultural Shifts" on April 10. A mini-lecture on "The Pandemic as Kairos: Reimagining Relations with the Environment" was given by Professor of Literary Theory Marina Grišakova and Research Assistant (PhD) Silvia Kurr. The lecture can be watched on the ENLIGHT EU Youtube channel.

In each lecture, researchers from ENLIGHT universities will present their current research and engage in discussions on the respective topics. 

The following lectures are planned:

1) May 8, 3 pm CET, Innovation in Cultural Narratives

2) June 19, 3 pm CET, Tourism and Culture Economy

More information you can find here.

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