The exhibition “Markets, Magic, and Shapeshifting in Northeast India: Some Visual Notes from a Folkloristic Perspective” in Ülikooli 16

Takuro Hasegawa

The exhibition “Markets, Magic, and Shapeshifting in Northeast India: Some Visual Notes from a Folkloristic Perspective” will open on the 19th of April, in the hallway of Ülikooli 16.

This exhibition follows the ethnography and research foci of vernacular life, magical practices, and human animal transformations in Northeast India visualised in a context of the encounter of worldviews – the researcher’s own life story and the universes they meet. Some photos are filled with wonder, some are informative, and some show communication and friendship nourished from years of collaborative work.

The exhibition features contributions from Ülo Valk and Takuro Hasegawa (research collaborator) and has Margaret Lyngdoh as curator and contributor.

This research has been supported by Estonian Research Council Project PRG670.

For more information, contact Margaret Lyngdoh:

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