Studies In the Department of Literature and Theater Research

In the Department of Literature and Theater Research, it is possible to study in three different fields: Estonian literature, world literature and theater studies.

Estonian literature and theater studies are taught in bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. The specialty of world literature is taught in master's and doctoral studies. In co-operation with the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, two specialties are taught - teacher of Estonian language and literature, teacher of Estonian language and literature in a non-Estonian school.

The Chair has a research group on Narrative, Culture, Cognition as part of international networks and projects. Narrative, Culture, Cognition is a venue for thinking critically about narrative as a nexus between mind and culture. We are interested in the study of complex narrative and aesthetic forms that circulate in modern culture, within the shared or competing realities of belief, perception, and cognition, and in various contexts and frames of human behavior.


Teatriteaduse õppetool

Eesti kirjanduse õppetool

Eesti võrdleva kirjandusteaduse õppetool

Kirjandusteooria õppetool

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