News and events


This is a chronological overview of the activities of the UNESCO Chair.

8 Aprill 2025. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gives the presentation „Intangible cultural heritage for a sustained presence of minorities in Estonia?“ as a part of the webinar series organised by the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development(CY Cergy Paris Université).
Details and program.

24-28 March 2025. Meeting of the Culturality project.

18 March 2025. Kick-off meeting of the international reserach project CRIES - CRIses Established Singing. Investigations into the Inherent Potential of Collective Singing in Times of Social Crises in the Scandinavian and Baltic Regions.

28 February - 5 March 2025. Meeting of the RISE UP project in UK.

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31 Jaanuar 2025. Siarhiej Makarevich gave a presentation at the conference "New perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences" in Ljubljana, Slovenias. The presentation was titled "Mutual Engagement of Academia and Heritage Practice in Project-Based Safeguarding Activities: Opportunities and Challenges".

10 January 2025. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa and Aet Annist spoke about heritage skills in the radio program "Piltlikult öeldes" (in Estonian language) of the Estonian Public Broadcasting. An English language article on the same subject is also available.

17 December 2024. Research webinar of the LIVIND project. The reserach team of the project was lead by the UNESCO Chair. Results of the LIVIND Research Team are published here.

12 December 2024. Kristin Kuutma participates at the MONDIACULT 2025 Regional Consultation on cultural policies and sustainable development for the Eastern European States. Organised by UNESCO and the Latvian Ministry of Culture.

2-7 December 2024. The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage met in Paraguay. In this framework a meeting for UNESCO Chairs dedicated to living heritage was held. Margit Siim from the Estonian National Commission for UNESCO presented the work of our Chair. See more.
Researchers from the UNESCO Chair also participated in other discussions online. See more.

25-27 November 2024. Kristin Kuutma is one of the convenors of the panel “Entanglements of Singing, Music and Dance Heritage in the Sphere of Tourism” at the conference "The Symbiosis of Singing, Playing and Dancing in Traditional Music: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" organised by the Estonian Literary Museum in Tartu.

8 November 2024. Maarja Veisson and Ode Oras give the presentation "Broadening Notions of Legitimate Speakerhood: New Speakers Frameworks" at a symposion oragnised by the RISE UP project. It is part of the conference "Shaping Policy for Minority Languages and Multilingualism" oragnised by Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning. Book of abstracts available here.

31 October 2024. Aet Annist (together with co-researchers) gives the lecture "Community Garden As a Citizen Space: Analysing the Transformative Potential of Emajõe Garden in Tartu" at the conference "Sustainability in Practice: DIY Repair, Reuse and Innovation" at the Estonian National Museum. See here for abstracts.

30 October 2024. Kristin Kuutma participated at the meeting of the Executive Board of the Estonian National Commission for UNESCO. She is the chiarperson of the Board.

25 October 2024. Cooperation meeting with Stavroula Pipyrou, Founding Director of the Centre for Minorities Research (University of St Andrews, UK). The agenda includes cotutelles and cooperation projects with the UNESCO Chair. The Univeristy of Tartu is represented by Kristin Kuutma, Riho Altnurme (Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Arts and Humanities) and Reet Marits (Office of Academic Affairs).

24 October 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa speaks at the MSA (Memory Studies Association) Nordic Conference 2024 "The Art of Conviviality".

24 October 2024. Kristi Grünberg represents the UNESCO Chair at a creative lab for youth organised by the Estonian Folk Culture Centre - national focal point for the implementation of the UNESCO Convetion for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

17 October 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gives the online lecture "A landscape pulsating with identity narratives: Tallinn Defence Forces Cemetery". Organised by the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia. More information.

8-9 October 2024. Meeting of consortium of the RISE UP project in Setomaa, Estonia. Organised by the UNESCO Chair. See more.

1-5 October 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa participates at the meeting of consortium of the CULTURALITY project in Scotland.

3 October 2024. Meeting with the delegation of the University of Namibia and the Namibian National Commission for UNESCO.

1-2 October 2024. International conference Heritage in the Service of Resilient Communities in Viljandi (Estonia). Co-organised by the UNESCO Chair.

28 September 2024. Conference in honour of Kristin Kuutma 'Intangible Cultural Heritage and Inequalities'

UNESCO Chairholders

UNESCO Chairholders Marc Jacobs, Kristin Kuutma, Anita Vaivade and Chiara Bortolotto.

27 September 2024. Intensive seminar for PhD students "Sustainable Development throught the Lens of Cultural Heritage".

25-26 September 2024. Aet Annist has been selected to participate at an expert meeting convened by the Living Heritage Entity of UNESCO. The subject of the meeting is safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change. Experts from all over the world meet in June and September (online) 2024. See more.


16-18 September 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa participated at a symposion organised at Glasgow University in the framework of the joint Erasmus Mundus MA programme Education in Museums and Heritage.

14 September 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa spoke at the Literary Street Festival in Tallinn (Estonia) about her article ’Why the child speaks, or how to talk about violence’ published in the special issue of the journal 'Language and Literature'.

13 September 2024. Aet Annis chaired the panel 'Give a voice to marginalized groups and future generations' at the conference 'Envisioning Actionable Transformation for Climate Resilience and Societal Change through Transdisciplinary Dialogues' at the at the Catholic University of Croatia.

19 August 2024. Aet Annist gives the presentation "The struggles of moving from post-collapse to pre-collapse in Eastern Europe" in the panel "Environmentalism and transition periods in Eastern Europe during the long 20th century" at the Fourth World Congress of Environmental History in Oulu, Finland.

18 July 2024. Aet Annist gives an online presentation "Lasting uncommoning in neoliberal postsocialism: what chance for survival?" in the panel "Crisis commons: un/doing human mutualities" at the conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists.

9 July 2024. Presentation by Kristin Kuutma at the ICH Academy organised during the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival in Finland: Traditional Music and Intangible Cultural Heritage in Estonia.

19-20 June 2024. Aet Annist has been selected to participate at an expert meeting convened by the Living Heritage Entity of UNESCO. The subject of the meeting is safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and climate change. Experts from all over the world meet in June and September 2024. See more.

10 June 2024. Ave Grenberg defended her MA thesis "The Role and Challenges of the Institute of Mulgi Culture in Safeguarding and Promoting the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mulgimaa Region". Supervisor Ester Bardone, reviewer Kristiina Porila (UNESCO Chair).

6 June 2024. Defence of MA projects and thesises on the English language program "Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies":

  • Vassa Yakymets, MA project “Finding the Needle: The Mnemonic Role of Textile Crafting in Ethnic Identity Solidification and Maintenance”. Supervisors Kristi Jõeste, Laur Vallikivi.
  • Jason Scott Cordova, MA project “The Citlalin Codex: Virtual Mexicayotl Star Lore Exhibit”. Supervisors Laur Valikivi, Rosanna Quiroz Ennis (Museum of Prehispanic Astronomy).
  • Wei Chen, MA thesis “The Omen System of Eastern Minyag (Sichuan, PRC)”. Supervisor Valentina Punzi.
  • Anna Matsuura, MA thesis “Guided Sauna Experiences in Estonia: Ritual Practices and Lifestyle Entrepreneurship of Saunanaine (Sauna Woman)”. Supervisors Ester Bardone, Kristel Kivari.
  • Sydney La Roche, MA thesis “An Intersectional Approach to LGBTQ+ Lived Experiences in Contemporary Wrexham”. Supervisor Christiana Sammal (UNESCO Chair).
  • Robertho Miguel Paredes Coral, MA project “A Photo Essay and Amazonian Perspectivism: Images from Madre de Dios". Supervisors Daina Pupkevičiūtė, Carlo Cubero.

5 June 2024. Defence of the MA project by Mare Mätas: the book "„The Stroy of the Kihnu Motorcycle“ (in Estonian language).

27 May 2024. Online workshop for selected UNESCO Chairs on a new initative to enhance the achievement of the 2030 agenda through education. Organised by the Education Sector of UNESCO. Kristin Kuutma and Kristiina Porila were present.

25 May 2024. Vision Conference of the Kihnu Island "What to do with a million?", presentation by Kristin Kuutma "Opportunities for and threats to the safeguarding of Kihnu culture as Intangible Cultural Heritage recognised by a UNESCO in the context of a wind farm".

23 May 2024. Interview with Aet Annist in the news portal of the Estonian National Broadcasting - Anthropologist: Environmental care no longer national concern for Estonia.

21 May 2024. Guest lecture by Dr. Melinda Harlov-Csortán (Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Hungary): "Introduction of intangible cultural heritage in Hungary.“

20. mai 2024. Interview with Aet Annist on the news page of the Estonian Public Broadcasting Company – about how social currents and attitudes have shaped environmental activism since Estonia regained independence in 1991.

15-16 May 2024. Final Seminar of the LIVIND project in Helsinki, Finland. During the public part of the seminar (Facebook event) Kristin Kuutma gave a presentation on behalf of the LIVIND Research Team Key findings and steps forward. How living heritage can lead us to sustainable transformation. Siarhiej Makarevich and Kristi Grünberg also participated.

13 May 2024. Kristin Kuutma participated at a cooperation meeting of researchers engaged with the UNESCO convention on intangible cultural heritage. Organised by the UNESCO Chair on ICH in Public and Global Governance, University of Warsaw, Poland.

9 May 2024. Webinar series of the UNESCO Chair at the University of St Andrews (Scotland): Aet Annist Community representations, heritage positions and environmental challenges.

7-8 May 2024. Associate professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa took part in a meeting of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Education in Museums and Heritage (EDUMaH) consortium partners. The meeting was hosted by the University of Malta.

30 April 2024. Kristin Kuutma participated at the online round table „Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Field of Cultural Interaction” which was part of the conference „70 years of Ukraine in UNESCO: education, science, culture”.

25 April 2024. Webinar series of the UNESCO Chair at the University of St Andrews (Scotland): Chiara Bortolotto (Cergy University, Paris) Living heritage and the issues of and concerns for sustainability.

23 April 2024. Presentation by Aet Annist Urgent Anthropology in Real Life and on the Paper on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the section of anthropology of the Estonian Naturalists' Society.

11 April 2024. Webinar series of the UNESCO Chair at the University of St Andrews (Scotland): Anita Vaivade (Latvian Academy of Culture) The legal context and constraints of indigenous heritage.

11 April 2024. Estonian Annual Conference of Humanities: Aet Annist gave the presentation How Does the Green Turn Relate to People's Everyday Reality? in the panel Future, Energy and Landscapes.

10 April 2024. Estonian Annual Conference of Humanities: Kristin Kuutma and Elo-Hanna Seljamaa chaired the session The Potential of Heritage Humanities – Future Heritage and the (Applied) Interplay of Past and Present. Read more here.

10 April 2024. Estonian Annual Conference of Humanities: Aet Annist gave the presentation The Ups and Downs of Environmental Activism in the panel Environmentalism in the Periods of Transition of the Lengthy 20th century.

8-12 April 2024. Kick off meeting of the CULTURALITY project (CULTUral heritage in RurAL remote areas for creative tourism and sustainabilITY”) - funded by Horizon Europe. The meeting takes place in Oviedo (Spain) and the UNESCO Chair is represented by Siarhiej Makarevich.

3 April 2024. Conversation dates “How do we inherit Viljandi?”, introductory meeting "What is heritage?" with Elo-Hanna Seljamaa. Organised by the Heritage City Viljandi in collaboration with the Heritage Festival and the University of Tartu as part of European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.

3 April 2024. Guest lecture Kaustinen fiddle playing and its journey with ICH and the 2003 Convention by Outi Valo from the Finnish Folk Music Institute and Univerity of the Arts Helsinki.

28 March 2024. Webinar series of the UNESCO Chair at the University of St Andrews (Scotland): Elo-Hanna Seljamaa The politics of belonging in national contexts.

22 March 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gave the presentation Folk Culture Etched and Mass Produced: The Case of Vive Tolli at the 82nd International scientific conference of the University of Latvia, in the section "Ethnographer, Society, Art. 1940-1990".

21-22 March 2024. Meeting of the RISE UP Consortium in Cologne, Germany. UNESCO Chair is represented by Maarja Veisson.

16 March 2024. Kristin Kuutma was appointed honorary member of the Estonian Folklore Council.

14 March 2024. Webinar series of the UNESCO Chair at the University of St Andrews (Scotland): Kristin Kuutma The complexities of living heritage, its representational effects and affordances for minorities.

13 March 2024. Meeting of the Estonian UNESCO Network in Tartu, organised by the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency.

7-8 March 2024. Kristin Kuutma participated at the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki. She is a member of the Board since 2021.

3 March 2024. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gave a short lecture at the screening of the short documentary Eesti mees at the Elektriteater cinema in Tartu.

2 March 2024. Siarhiej Makarevich gave a presentation at the Belt Weaving Inspiration Day organised by Pärimusdisain and the Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union.
His talk „Living Heritage of Belt Weaving: Opportunities for the Present Rooted in the Past“ was about patterned belts in Belarus.

Siarhiej Makarevich peab ettekannet

13 February 2024. Guest lecture on "Chornobyl Dreams. Mapping the cultural coproduction of atomic heritage" by Veera Ojala, PhD Candidate at the University of Turku. See more.

1 February 2024. Kristin Kuutma went through the the second step (interview) of applying for an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC).
ERC grants are among the most prestigious and largest individual research grants in the world.

23 January 2024. Online meeting of UNESCO Chairs and national commissions for UNESCO from Poland and the Baltic States. Read more.

22 January - 16 February 2024. Junior Research Fellow Siarhiej Makarevich was on a study and cooperation in Finland - exploring the living heritage scene in Finland hosted by the Finnish Heritage Agency.

12 January 2024. Associate Professor Aet Annist gave a presentation about wage poverty and regional disparities at the conference "Strong Economy, Secure Future" organised by the Estonian Social Democratic Party.

09 January 2024. Associate Professor Aet Annist participated in the online discussion "Different Forms of Activism Today and in the Recent Past", organised by the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art. It was part of the research project "Reflecting Post-Socialism through Post-Colonialism in the Baltics", carried out in collaboration with the Estonian art museum KUMU.

January 2024. An online survey was organised for people interested in the Seto language as part of the RISE UP project (Revitalising Languages and Safeguarding Cultural Diversity).

13 December 2023. A doctoral thesis supervised by the UNESCO Chairholder Professor Kristin Kuutma was defended at the University of Tartu:
Arturs Pokšans „Upbringing in places of scarcity: reproduction of violence and inequality in Latvian residential education“.

4-9 December 2023. Kristin Kuutma is the head of the Estonian delegation to the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in Botswana.
Together with the delegations from Namibia, Botswana and eSwatini, the the Estonian delegation also organises a seminar on living heritage and education.

Kristin Kuutma in Botswana with the logo of the event and a landscape in the background
Kristin Kuutma in Botswana (author: Margit Siim)
Kristin Kuutma leading the discussion at the seminar
Kristin Kuutma leading the discussion at the seminar. (author: Margit Siim)
Kristin Kuutma ja Nehoa Kautondokwa UNESCO Namibia rahvuslikust komisjonist.
Kristin Kuutma ja Nehoa Kautondokwa UNESCO Namibia rahvuslikust komisjonist. (author: Margit Siim)
Namibia ja Eesti delegatsioonid grupipildil
Namibia ja Eesti delegatsioonid (author: Margit Siim)

30 November 2023. Elo-Hanna Seljamaa participates in a panel discussion about the research on cultural heritage, which is organised by the Estonian Ministry of Culture on the occasion of the launch of its new research and development programme.

17 November 2023. Aet Annist gave the lecture "Climate Alarmists and Awaiting the Collaps" at the Institute of Ecology of Tallinn University.

13 November 2023. Aet Annist gave the lecture "The story of climate change and how we participate in it" at a conference dedicated to theatre and sustainability. Organised by the Estonian Theatre Agency and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

6 November 2023. Webinar organised by the RISE UP consortium for revitalising languages and safeguarding cultural diversity. First-hand insights into digital language activism and interactive discussions on how digital tools and strategies can be used to support minoritised languages.

25-26 October 2023. Representatives of the UNESCO Chair participated in the consortium meeting of the RISE UP (Revitalising Languages and Safeguarding Cultural Diversity) project in Spain.
Read more about the meeting here and here.
More about the project on our homepage.

Kristin Kuutma and Maarja Veisson in Vielha
people at a meeting
Books with vocabulary in the aranes language

24 October 2023. Professor Kristin Kuutma, holder of the UNESCO Chair and professor of Cultural Research, gave a presentation at the conference where Candidates for the Estonian Academy of Sciences present themselves.

24 October 2023. Associate professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa participated at the round-table discussion Võime rääkida (We can speak) on the communication in a multilingual society. Oragnised by the Estonian National Museum.

7 October 2023. Professor Kristin Kuutma represented the UNESCO Chair at the events of Seto Michaelmas Day held at the Estonian Open Air Museum.
It was part of the Seto Week held throughout Estonia. At the moment, the UNESCO Chair focuses on Seto language and culture in the framework of the RISE UP project.

7 October 2023. Maarja Veisson represented the UNESCO Chair at the Estonian indigenous languages conference “Kohes mi lää?”.
It was part of the Seto Week held throughout Estonia. At the moment, the UNESCO Chair focuses on Seto language and culture in the framework of the RISE UP project.

6 October 2023. Maarja Veisson represented the UNESCO Chair at the seminar "Methods and experiences of teaching traditional culture". It was part of the project "Preserving and promoting Seto- and Peipsiland cultural heritage".

25 September 2023. Associate Professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gave the presentation "From authenticity to authenticities, from the tangible to the intangible" at the conference "Museum and Authenticity" organised by the Estonian Museum Association and ICOM Estonia.

13-15 September 2023. The conference of young folklorists "Beyond the Field: Fieldwork in the 21st Century" was held in Riga (Latvia). Several students of the UNESCO Chair also participated.

Siarhiej Makarevich giving a presentation
Siarhiej Makarevich who studies the contribution of project-based activities towards the safeguarding of living heritage in the Baltic Sea region. (author: Siarhiej Makarevich)

13 September 2023. The interdisciplinary Erasmus Mundus joint masters programme Education in Museums and Heritage kicked off at the University of Glasgow. Our international MA programme Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies is part of it. The Intangible Cultural Heritage study track will host students in Tartu in the spring semester.

students of the new programme
Students of the new programme (author: Kirsti Jõesalu)

31 August 2023. The analysis ’Connections of young Estonians living abroad to Estonia and the factors that influence their return decisions or cooperation with Estonia’ (only available in Estonian) was presented. The analysis was compiled at the Institute of Cultural Research and commissioned by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Associate Professor Aet Annist from the UNESCO Chair was part of the team.

Based on previously conducted surveys and interviews, the project describes the connections of young Estonians living abroad to Estonia and determines the factors that influence their return decisions or cooperation with Estonia, as well as formulates policy-making recommendations for the ministry.

25 August 2023. Students of Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies defended master’s theses and projects.

5 August 2023. Representatives of the UNESCO Chair participated at the Seto Kingdom Day. Our chair is part of the RISE UP project for revitalising languages and safeguarding cultural diversity, which focuses on Seto language among others.

21 June 2023. The publication State of the Art – Elements for Critical Thinking and Doing was presented in Helsinki, Finland. It wraps up the transdisciplinary Nordic-Baltic project State of the Art Network (SOTAN).
The UNESCO Chair is represented by Daina Pupkeviciute (Junior Research Fellow in Ethnology). Her contribution Attunement, or to Recognise the Unspectacular (here, page 81-85) is accompanied by a soundscape.

12-13 June 2023. Kristin Kuutma, Siarhiej Makarevich and Kristi Grünberg attended the seminar of the LIVIND project in Riga, Latvia.

7-10 June 2023. At the SIEFi (International Society of Ethnology and Folklore) conference in Brno, the UNESCO Chair was represented by

They further participated at the roundtable New horizons for SIEF engagement with UNESCO-ICH.

7 June 2023. The Chair Holder, Professor Kristin Kuutma, gave a lecture at Heidelberg University on the subject „Intangible heritage politics and the (unattainable) goal of reducing inequalities“. It was part of a public lecture series, „Immaterielles Erbe: eine Zukunftsressource?“ dedicated to the 20. anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and organised by the Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage.


historic assembly hall of the Heidelberg Univeristy
the historic assembly hall of the Heidelberg University

All lectures of the series can be seen here (YouTube) and here (Heidelberg University).

2 June 2023. Tomás Londoño Mora, a student of the “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” Master’s program, defended his master thesis “Policies and Practices for Safeguarding Colombia's Food Heritage: A Study of Llanero Traditions, Ajiaco Santafereño, and Cuy”, supervised by lecturer Ester Bardone and reviewed by Anu Kannike, a senior researcher at the Estonian National Museum.

Polina Holitsyna defended her master thesis, “Estonian Pagan Metal Subculture: Community and Authenticity”, supervised by associate professors Madis Arukask and Elo-Hanna Seljamaa and reviewed by Brigitta Davidjants, a research fellow at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

Lodewyk Marthinus Barkhuizen defended his master thesis “Rethinking Carnival: The Construction and Decay of Allegorical Cars in Cabo Verde’s Carnaval Soncent” at noon. Supervisor: associate professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa. Reviewer: research fellow Tiina Sepp.

1 June 2023. Kristiina Siig defended her master thesis, "Kristjan Toropi töö (pärimus)tantsu uurijana – mõjurid ja väljundid", supervised by professor Kristin Kuutma and reviewed by guest lecturer Juha-Matti Aronen.

26 May 2023. Associate Professor Aet Annist gave a presentation in a series of events on environmentally aware vocational training, organised by the Estonian Expert Board of Vocational Education.

11 May 2023. Professor Tiago de Oliveira Pinto, holder of the UNESCO Chair on Transcultural Music Studies at the University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar, presented his paper "How "alive" does Living Heritage ought to be? On evaluating intangible culture in the context of sustainable development" in the framework of the webinar series organized by the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development, CY Cergy Paris Université. Professor Kristin Kuutma acted as the discussant.

11 May 2023. Junior research fellow in ethnology Siarhiej Makarevich presented his paper “Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage as an Academic Project" at the young researchers of culture conference "Young Voices" held at the University Of Tartu.

12 April 2023. The UNESCO Chair organised a discussion meeting with fashion designer and environmental activist Reet Aus to elaborate on the possibilities of slow, sustainable and ethical fashion. As the Visiting Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, Reet Aus has invited her audience to discuss and question the consumer-oriented world, aiming to raise environmental awareness and promote more sustainable consumption choices. These reflections were preceded by the screening of the documentary “Out of Fashion” (2015) by Jaak Kilmi and Lennart Laberenz, depicting Reet Aus´s ambitious plans to change the fashion industry at the forefront of consumption rallies as well as among the producers of toxic waste. This documentary follows her journey from Tallinn through the fashion stages of Europe and the cotton plantations of South America and right into the epicentre of mass production in Bangladesh from 2009 to 2014.

29 March 2023. Associate Professor Aet Annist gave the presentation (in Estonian) "Climate and environmental movements - how to look into terrifying future?" at the seminar „Green living environment – a cost or a (mental) health insurance?" organised by the Sustainable Development Centreod the University of Tartu.

13 March 2023. Chahal Garg, a student of the “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” Master’s program, defended her MA project "CRAFTECH FUTURES: Speculative Futures of Craft and Technology Convergence", supervised by associate professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa, and reviewed by Kairi Lentsius, fashion designer and lecturer at the Pallas University of Applied Sciences. The practical part of the project is to be found here.

30 January - 1 February 2023. Professor Kristin Kuutma participated in the online regional consultation on culture and arts education organized by UNESCO.

28 November - 3 December 2022. Professor Kristin Kuutma represented Estonia at the 17h session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Rabat, Morocco.

29-30 November 2022. The 12th conference on traditional singing, “From desperation to hope: the meanings and effect of group singing,” was organized in Tartu by the Estonian Folklore Archives of the Estonian Literary Museum in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies and UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Junior Research Fellow in ethnology Siarhiej Makarevich presented "Singing in Exile: A Case Study of a Vilnius-Based Belarusian Traditional Singing Group".

3-4 November 2022. UNESCO and the French National Commission for UNESCO celebrated the 30th anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme. Dedicated to the theme “Transforming knowledge for just and sustainable futures", the conference considered the programme's future and the unique expertise and initiatives its members can bring to sustainable development challenges. Link to the recordings

18-20 October 2021. Associate Professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gave the presentation „Limits and Opportunities of Heritagization: Two Examples from Estonia“ at the annual conference of the American Folklore Society "Natural States: Environment, Politics, and Tradition".

17 October 2022. Associate Professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa gave two presentations at the Ohio State University (USA):

14 October 2022. Kristin Kuutma held an online lecture, "Ownership and rights: Sustainable Development ideals with inequalities of recognition and resource command". Her speech was part of the webinar series, "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” (2022-2023), organised by the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development, CY Cergy Paris Université, France, that brings together researchers and academics from various UNESCO Chairs. Discussant was Cléa Hance, PhD student ENS-Paris Saclay (France).

30 august 2022. Alena Shisheliakina defended her doctoral thesis “Being a woman and being Tatar: intersectional perspectives on identity and tradition in the post-soviet context” to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Ethnology). Professor Kristin Kuutma supervised the thesis that was opposed by associate professor Yulia Gradskova, Södertörn University (Sweden).

5-7 July 2022. The UNESCO chairholder, professor Kristin Kuutma represented Estonia at the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Paris. Estonia applied for a position in the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Kristin Kuutma VKP üldkogul

Photo: Margit Siim

17-18 March 2022. Professor Kristin Kuutma participated in the 8th Finnish Conference on Cultural Policy Research, “Cultural Knowledge in a Changing World,“ held at the University of Jyväskylä. She was one of the keynote speakers in her talk "Cultural Knowledge and Heritage Policies in a Changing World.“

22 February 2022. Siarhiej Makarevich, a student of the “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” Master’s program, defended his MA project "Revitalisation of the Local Weaving Tradition in the Hancavičy District (Belarus)," supervised by professor Kristin Kuutma, and reviewed by research fellow Terje Toomistu.

31 January-4 February 2022. Winter school "Transformations, Transfers, Transitions" at the University of Tartu. Professor Kristin Kuutma and professor Raili Marling were the Programme Directors of this Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts. One of the keynote speakers was professor Laurajane Smith (Australian National University) with her talk "The Emotional Politics of Heritage."

13-18 December 2021. Professor Kristin Kuutma represented Estonia at the 16th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

29 November 2021. Professor Kristin Kuutma delivered the speech "Living heritage and sustainable development interlinked – what does it mean?" at the opening webinar of the LIVIND project.

25-26 November 2021. Professor Kristin Kuutma and professor Bernard Debarbieux (Université de Genève) discussed the dialogues between research and heritage stakeholders at the symposium "Nommer/Normer: Approaches pluridisciplinaires du patrimoine culturel immatériel" held in Paris, France.

10 September 2021. Professor Kristin Kuutma participated in the online consultation meeting of UNESCO Chairs during the COVID-19 pandemic organized by the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Formal and Informal Education, Department of Turkish Folklore, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Turkey.

20-21 August 2021. Conferece on Seto leelo in Setomaa. Ten years after Seto leelo was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, representatives of leelo choirs and other stakeholders of the Seto culture met in Obinitsa to discuss the situation of leelo singing and the Seto language. The event was organized by the UNESCO Chair, The Assembly of Seto Leelo Masters (Seto Leelotarko Kogo), and the foundation Seto Culture Fund (SA Setu Kultuuri Fond).

19-24 June 2021. A roundtable on ICH and higher education at the 15th SIEF Congress. The virtual meeting of the SIEF Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property was organized by Kristin Kuutma, Anita Vaivade (Latvian Academy of Culture) and Robert Baron (Goucher College).

April-May 2021. The UNESCO Chair contributed to the Global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and participated in the online survey and the online meeting of experts.

March-April 2021. Kristiina Porila participated in the training organized by the Living Heritage Entity of UNESCO: National focal points for periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention in the Europe Region.

16 February 2021. Webinar of the Nordic-Baltic ICH network: Experiences with National Inventories. Professor Kristin Kuutma participated.

21 January 2021. Katarina Stradner, a student of the “Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies” Master’s program, defended her MA thesis "Creating a Representation: The Singing to the Accompaniment of the Gusle as a Nomination to the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage" supervised by the UNESCO chairholder professor Kristin Kuutma and reviewed by Kristiina Porila from the UNESCO chair.

14-18 December 2020. The UNESCO chairholder, professor Kristin Kuutma was Estonia's official representative at the Intergovernmental Committee meeting for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which was held online, coordinated from the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris and from Kingston in Jamaica.

20-29 October 2020. The travelling photo exhibition Estonia's deskmate eSwatini was on display at the Institute of Cultural Research at the invitation of the UNESCO Chair. On this occasion, a meeting with the UNESCO Chair holder, professor Kristin Kuutma and the author of the exhibition Laura Toomlaid was also organized.

eSwatini näitus

Kristin Kuutma and Laura Toomlaid. Photo by Kristiina Porila

8-10 September 2020. Professor Kristin Kuutma, the holder of UNESCO chair, participated at the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

26-30 August 2020. Professor Kristin Kuutma organised a session on sensory experiences of heritage at the international virtual conference “Futures” of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS). She was an invited discussant in the session "The Future within the Past, the Past within the Future – Theorising about the RetroFuturology of Cultural Heritage", curated by the SIEF Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property.
Programme and abstracts.

4-6 March 2020. Associate professor Elo-Hanna Seljamaa co-organized the symposium ""No such thing as heritage"? – From Basic Assumptions and Constructs to Reconceptualizations" held at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (University of Helsinki) and delivered a lecture “Victory Day in Estonia: Heritage and Folklore”. One of the keynote speakers was professor Kristin Kuutma in her talk "Critical (Re)conceptualizations in the Politics of Heritage". Recording: University of Helsinki

3-7 February 2020. Winter School “Troubling Gender: Theory and Method” at the University of Tartu. Gender is an essential aspect of social cohesion which deserves a critical reflection and is tightly linked to cultural heritage. The UNESCO Chairholder professor Kristin Kuutma was the Program Director of the Winter School.

9-14 December 2019. Professor Kristin Kuutma, the holder of UNESCO chair, represented Estonia at the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Bogota, Colombia.


Photo by Kristin Kuutma

13 December 2019. A representative of the UNESCO chair participated in the meeting of the Estonian Council for Intangible Cultural Heritage, an advisory body of the Ministry of Culture.

4 November 2019. A roundtable concerning UNESCO and intangible cultural heritage at the meeting of the board of SIEF (International Society of Ethnology and Folklore) in Marseille. The role of scientific analysis in international cultural politics was discussed – how can SIEF as a scientific organization contribute to implementing the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage? The roundtable was co-organized by Kristin Kuutma (UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of ICH, University of Tartu) and Anita Vaivade (UNESCO Chair on ICH Policy and Law, Latvian Academy of Culture).

UNESCO chairholders

UNESCO chairholders Anita Vaivade and Kristin Kuutma. Photo by Kristiina Porila

31 October 2019. Thematical evening “Will the Estonian song festival be held in the Estonian language in 100 years?” The evening included presentations, a panel discussion, and a choral concert. The UNESCO chairholder Kristin Kuutma also made a presentation. The example of song festivals was used to discuss the links between cultural heritage and identity and how the phenomena labelled heritage change and how they are seen.
A summary of the presentations and discussions is available in the Estonian language on the blog of the Estonian National Museum. Some weeks later, the subject was also discussed on the radio program Luukamber.

Kas laulupidu kõlab ka 100 aasta pärast eesti keeles

Margit Sutrop, Aet Maatee, Marju Lauristin and Kristin Kuutma. Photo by Kristiina Porila

19-20 October 2019. Organizers of a festival on intangible cultural heritage, held in Tokyo during the Olympic year 2020, visited the Setomaa region in South-Eastern Estonia. Looking for performers for the upcoming festival, they met various Seto leelo choirs. The UNESCO Chair organized the visit.


Photos by Marika Ahven

7-8 May 2019. Professor Kristin Kuutma participated in the conference on intangible cultural heritage, museums, and cultural policies and the expert meeting of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Project in Mechelen, Belgium.

2 May 2019. Day of Cultural Heritage, the kick-off of the UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

14-17 April 2019. A roundtable on "UNESCO and Entanglements of Intangible Cultural Heritage" at the 14th SIEF congress "Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World" in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The meeting of the SIEF Working Group on Cultural Heritage and Property was organized by professor Kristin Kuutma (UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of ICH, University of Tartu) and assistant professor Anita Vaivade (UNESCO Chair on ICH Policy and Law, Latvian Academy of Culture).

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