The conference brings together young researchers, university students at all study levels, and high school students whose topics are related to the research areas of anthropology, ethnology, folkloristics and heritage studies. The languages of the conference are English (first day) and Estonian (second day). Professor Diarmuid Ó Giolláin will deliver the conference keynote speech “European Folklore Studies and the World Outside Europe”.
You can find the conference programme and abstracts here.
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Meeting ID: 932 5135 0895
Passcode: 247889
Facebook page of the conference
Organizers: Mihkel Braun, Miikael Jekimov, Liisi Jääts, Kristel Kivari, Helen Kästik, Mathilda Matjus, Saara Mildeberg, Natali Ponetajev, Ülo Valk
University of Tartu, NEFA, Estonian Literary Museum, Tallinn University, Estonian National Museum