Topic: cooperation

About Mongolian Research Laboratory
The Mongolian Research Laboratory is created to enterprise, carry on and coordinate research, educational, public projects and expertise, concerning various aspects of Mongolia.
20. February 2023 cooperationresearch
Career and internship fair in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Career and internship fair in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities will take place on 22 February 2023
27. January 2023 cooperation
Conference "Trauma and Healing: Storying Lives, Literary Engagements, Entangled Memories"
15th International Conference of the Estonian Association of Comparative Literature "Trauma and Healing: Storying Lives, Literary Engagements, Entangled Memories".
16. January 2023 cooperation
International Workshop „The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations“
15. – 17. December 2022 will take place International Workshop „The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations“.
How "alive" does Living Heritage ought to be? Webinar on May 11
The UNESCO Chair on Intangible Heritage and Sustainable Development at Cergy Paris University is organising a webinar series on intangible heritage and sustainable development.
11. October 2022 cooperation
Conference “Performativity and Transgression”
PERFORMATIIVSUS JA TRANSGRESSIOON Põhjamaade Teatriuurijate Assotsiatsiooni ning Eesti Teatriuurijate ja -kriitikute Ühenduse aastakonverents
28. September 2022 cooperationculture
A selection of recently organized international conferences, symposiums and seminars in the Institute of Cultural Research
07. June 2022 institute
The UNESCO Chair helps to understand the societal processes and the social and economic context of cultural heritage and its use, working closely together with all stakeholders.
13. December 2021 cooperation
Our research projects and teaching correspond significantly to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We study and discuss how to employ traditional knowledge and skills for the cause.
12. December 2021 research