University of Tartu preserves stories from Ukraine war


Leena Kurvet-Käosaar, Associate Professor of Cultural Theory, together with Ukrainian students, collects and preserves the stories of Ukrainian war refugees in Estonia. This ensures that refugees' memories are saved in writing, as well as provides an opportunity for studying the mediation of traumatic experience and coping with it.

Leena Kurvet-Käosaar says that refugees will be offered the opportunity to note down their stories in a smaller group, which also allows them to support each other and talk about their experiences. Writing down a traumatic experience can also have a therapeutic effect. The goal of the project team is to collect at least one hundred stories from war refugees in different parts of Estonia. Stories will be published in an anonymous form on the project's website.

In addition to Leena Kurvet-Käosaar, master's students Polina Holitsyna, Kateryna Botnar and doctoral student Igor Kotjuh are are also part of the research team.

Learn more about the project from an article in Tartu Postimees (in Estonian).

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