Creating cooperation with Vietnamese colleagues

Kohtumine Hue Ülikooli rahvusvahelisete suhete ülikooliga

May 15-19, a delegation from the University of Tartu visited the University of Hue to establish relations and exploring possibilities for cooperation. During the week, Universities of Economics, International Studies, Law and Pedagogy were visited. The Vietnamese were interested in joint study programmes as well as in the possibilities related to student and teaching exchanges. Also co-supervision of the doctoral students.

In addition to the meetings, Prof Irene Kull and Prof Aleksei Kelli (Institute of Law) participated in a seminar where both of them gave a presentation. Irene Kull's (professor of civil law) presentation was titled "Transplants in private law: long-term process or one-off event: Estonian experience". Aleksei Kelli (professor of intellectual property law) presented on the topic of "The development of Estonian language technologies: the perspective of intellectual property and data protection law".

It was decided that as early as next year, the two universities could hold a joint conference. Dr. Alevtina Solovyeva gave a presentation on contemporary Mongolian folklore to students and lecturers in folkloristics, literature and linguistics. During the meetings, a number of topics for writing joint articles were discussed, with the aim of moving forward quickly. 

The delegation included: Heidi Maiberg (Centre for Asia), Maili Vilson (J. Skytte Institute for Policy Studies), Alevtina Solovyeva (Orientalistic Centre; Institute of Cultural Sciences), Alexei Kelli and Irene Kull (Faculty of Law).

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