Topic: cooperation

Panel of the UNESCO Chair at the Estonian Annual Conference of Humanities
In April, the first Estonian Annual Conference of Humanities was held at Tallinn University. The UNESCO Chair convened the panel The Potential of Heritage Humanities – Future Heritage and the (Applied) Interplay of Past and Present.
21. April 2024 cooperationresearch
New Horizon Europe project of the UNESCO Chair was kicked off with an exhibition
Aprillis kogunes CULTURALITY konsortsium. Avakoosolekut saatis näitus "Loojaid ja hoidjaid: Women Weaving Europe".
Dr. Shawn Rowlands public lecture on 25 April
Dr Shawn C. Rowlands is an anthropologist and historian with diverse professional interests in human cultures.
Science Fiction Research Association annual conference at University of Tartu
The keynote speeches of the conference are given by Bogi Takács Perelmutter (University of Kansas) (US), Anindita Banerjee (Cornell University) (US) and Meelis Friedenthal (University of Tartu) (EST).
The UNESCO Chair convenes webinars at the University of St Andrews
This spring the UNESCO Chair is invited to convene a webinar series at the Centre for Minorities Research, at Scotland’s oldest university of St Andrews.
Guest lecture: Kaustinen fiddle playing and its journey with intangible cultural heritage
Külalisloeng kultuuriteaduste instituudis: Kaustinen fiddle playing and its journey with ICH and the 2003 Convention
There are 20 UNESCO Chairs in Poland and the Baltics
An online workshop for UNESCO Chairs from the Baltic countries and Poland was held on January 23.
Kristel Ruutma will defend her master’s project „Transmission of Craft Knowledge: Making a Classical Ballet Dress“
At the defense, it is possible to explore the classic ballet skirt made by Kristel.
18. January 2024 institutecooperationculture
Professor Kristin Kuutma represented Estonia at the meeting of the UNESCO International Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Kristin Kuutma, Professor of Cultural Studies, was the head of the Estonian delegation to the Committee meeting and also chaired a seminar.