Guntis Šmidchensi professor Walter Andersonile pühendatud e-loeng 15. detsembril 2021

Professor Guntis Šmidchens (Washingtoni ülikool, Seattle) peab eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule õppetooli asutajale professor Walter Andersonile pühendatud e-loengu

“Variants in American and Estonian Folkloristics” 15. detsembril kell 18.00 (Ülikooli 16-212). Pärast loengut on külalisega veebi teel küsimuste-vastuste voor, järgneb vastuvõtulaud. Ootame rohket osavõttu!

Loeng on jälgitav veebivahendusel Zoomis:

Topic: Guntis Šmidchens “Variants in American and Estonian Folkloristics”
Time: Dec 15, 2021 06:00 PM Helsinki

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Meeting ID: 947 9024 0315
Passcode: 768381

Kokkuvõte loengust:

There is no single idea more central to conceptions of folklore than that of the variant. An orientation toward variability (and the variant as its concrete manifestation) helps me describe and interpret recent Estonian singing traditions. And it also helps me imagine a global history of folkloristics. In 1950, when American, European and Asian folklorists assembled at the legendary “Four Symposia,” they didn’t reach consensus on a definition of folklore (Stith Thompson’s friend and special invited guest, Walter Anderson, warned Symposia participants to avoid the undesirable consequences of narrow definitions, where “some very important practical kinds of folklore have been neglected and forgotten by most of the folklorists”). But they didn’t question the meaning of “variant.” And they shared interest in discussing four pursuits of folklorists worldwide: Collecting, archiving, popularizing and studying folklore variants. Decades later, these scholarly traditions continue strong in the professional folkloristics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. But our mainstream American folkloristics pursues theoretical unity in narrow folklore definitions (“artistic communication in small groups,” “oral performance,” “informal traditional culture,” etc.) that marginalize the discipline by excluding the most viable, memorable and powerful folklore; we have largely abandoned activities of archiving and cataloging folklore variants, and so also lost knowledge about the globally oriented comparative activities of our discipline’s founders. Maybe this is a reason why the international center of folkloristics today is shifting to the Baltic countries.

Guntis Šmidchens is Associate Professor and Kazickas Family Endowed Professor of Baltic Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle, and is an expert on Baltic folkore, and the author of “The power of song” (2014).

Info: eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakond, Liilia Laaneman,
Loeng on järelvaadatav UTTV lehel.

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