Peeter Espak

Peeter Espak

Peeter Espak

Starting from 2010, Research Fellow of Oriental Studies at the Centre for Oriental Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia. From 2013 Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Oriental studies, then Senior Research Fellow of Comparative Religion at the Faculty of Theology in Tartu during 2014-2017. After that again Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor Ancient Near Eastern and Sumerian Culture at the Centre for Oriental Studies until now. Since 2020, board member of the Estonian Public Broadcasting (TV and radio). 2017-2021 member of The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences, 2017-2022 member of the board of the international Melammu Project international network of ANE scholars.

Main areas of research include Ancient Near Eastern mythology, history of religion, political history, and literature with the more specific focus on the third millennium. Also, comparative religion and mythology, creation myths of different peoples, concepts of “divine forces”, ANE military ideologies and their history of development; reflections of ancient historical processes in the modern era. Has held several university courses and lectures starting from the beginning of MA studies about Near Eastern history, mythology, religion, and literature in Tartu University and elsewhere.

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