1.aprillil kell 14.15 veebiseminar “Anthropologists at War” (Ülikooli 16-212)

1. aprillil annavad eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakonnas Julia Buyskykh (Institute of History of Ukraine; Centre for Applied Anthropology in Kyiv) ja Tina Polek (Centre for Applied Anthropology in Kyiv) veebiseminariAnthropologists at War.

Veebiseminar toimub kell 14.15 Ülikooli 16-212 ja on ka jälgitav Zoomi teel (Join Zoom Meeting.
If you would like to join via Zoom, please email your name and affiliation to Anastasiya Astapova anastasiya.astapova@ut.ee before March 31).

The seminar will offer insider reflections on Russia’s war in Ukraine through an anthropological lens. The presenters are Julia Buyskykh and Tina Polek, Ukrainian anthropologists who remain in the country during this horrific time. Drawing on her own experiences of the bombing of Kyiv and an evacuation train ride to the city of Khmelnytskyi, Dr. Buyskykh will discuss what constitutes the “everyday” during war for those on the home front. Dr. Polek will reflect on the meanings of online communication in today’s Ukraine, addressing personal correspondence, social media, and Internet memes.

Dr Julia Buyskykh (julia.buj@gmail.com) is a historian and socio-cultural anthropologist affiliated with the Institute of History of Ukraine and the Kyiv-based Centre for Applied Anthropology. She spent the academic year of 2019-2020 at Pennsylvania State University as a Fulbright scholar. Her research interests include lived religion in post-Soviet space, inter-confessional relationships, memory and border studies, and Polish-Ukrainian shared history.

Dr. Tina Polek (tina.momot@gmail.com) is a member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists and a co-founder of the NGO “Centre for Applied Anthropology.” For the last four years, she worked as an applied anthropologist in non-commercial projects and as business anthropologist for Ukrainian companies.

Info: Anastasiya Astapova anastasiya.astapova@ut.ee

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