28. juunil Rajat Nayyari (India) film “Kashi Labh”

28. juunilkell 16.15 näitab visuaalantopoloog Indiast  Rajat Nayyar filmi “Kashi Labh” (Ülikooli 16-212). Kõik on oodatud!
Kokkuvõte: Aesthetics of dying, coming together of family and the last vital breath in Kashi, India’s sacred city. The impetus for this research comes from various threads that include an interest in our culturally woven patterns of dying and death. This film explores the manner in which Hindu families co-create the dying process of their relatives (physiologically in the last stages of life) within the social aesthetics of Kashi Labh Muktibhawan, a salvation home in Kashi.
Filmi autorist: Rajat Nayyar is an audiovisual ethnographer from Varanasi, India. His films have been screened at prestigious International Ethnographic Film Festivals and Visual Anthropology Conferences such as, EASA Milan 2016 and AAA Washington DC 2017. Rajat is the founder of avant-garde media project Espírito Kashi in a dialogue with the social aesthetics of rural India. He studied Film and Anthropology at the Tallinn University in Estonia and Liberal Arts at the Young India Fellowship offered by Ashoka University.

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