Akadeemilise Rahvaluule Seltsi koosolek 20. novembril 2014

Akadeemilise Rahvaluule Seltsi kõnekoosolek toimub neljapäeval, 20. novembril 2014, kell 16.15 Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi saalis (Vanemuise 42).

Kavas on Laura Siragusa (Tartu ülikool, Aberdeeni ülikool) ettekanne "Language sustainability and healing oral practices: Vepsian puhegid."

Ettekanne on inglise keeles.

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ARSi juhatus

Info: Pihla Maria Siim 737 6256

Ettekande lühitutvustus:

This paper introduces Veps and their heritage language, Vepsian, in order to unwrap some issues related to the question, 'can a language be sustainable.' I argue that this question is debatable in itself, given that languages are neither abstract nor detached entities which need to be sustained in order not to vanish. Yet, there are specific social (or more broadly, ecological) factors that hinder people from speaking them. Maintaining a focus on ways of speaking, I claim that people manifest (or not) languages depending on the ecology in which they find themselves. Language ecology comprises not only language ideologies and communicative practices but also convoluted relations with anything (human and non-human) existing in the world. Therefore, the concept of sustainability needs to be re-directed towards the ecology where people manifest language more than towards language as a system of rules. By reframing the concept of sustainability I here present language as an indicator of relations with the environment, human and non-human beings as well as the relation itself. And I demonstrate that it is specifically in these relations that people can sustain their ways of speaking and vice versa. That is, by speaking and employing specific oral genres Veps have demonstrated to protect (and sustain) themselves, animals, and the environment where they live from undesirable misfortunes.

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