Debajit Sharma loeng ja dokumentaalfilm Sikkimi kultuurist 29. mail 2015

29. mail, kell 14.15 peab Gauhati ülikooli doktorant  Debajit Sharma Tartu Ülikoolis loengu teemal "Reformulation of identity through folk traditions: reflections on fieldwork in Sikkim" ja näidatakse dokumentaalfilmi pealkirjaga "Bantawa Rai Culture of Sikkim". Loeng toimub von Bocki õppehoone (Ülikooli 16) auditooriumis 214.

Loengut täiendav lugemismaterjal:

Subba, Tanka B. and Jelle J. P. Wouters 2013. North-East India: Ethnography and Politics of Identity. – The Modern Anthropology of India. Ethnography, Themes and Theory. Edited by Peter Berger and Frank Heidemann. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 193-207.(pdf)

Manger, Krishna Maya 2014. Multilingualism in Sikkim: An overview. – The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies. Vol. 2, issue 12, pp. 155-157. (pdf)

Sikkim. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

Schlemmer, Grégoire 2010. Rai, Khambu, Subba, Kirant, etc.: ethnic labels or political and land tenure categories? Logics of identification of an ensemble of populations in Nepal. – Inter-Ethnic Dynamics in Asia. Edited by Christan Culas and François Robinne. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 42-59. (pdf)

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