Teisipäeval 25. veebruaril kl 12.15 loeng "Tourism and the Making of Nomads in Mongolia".
Loengu toimumiskoht: Ülikooli 16-109.
Tourism is often seen as an opportunity to diversify and grow economic development in Mongolia. This appears to be especially true for the peripheral areas. The complex relations between herding, mining, nature preservation and tourist enterprises show overlapping and conflicting interests. This lecture aims not only at those aforementioned factors but is also looking at the diverse external and self-perceptions of international, domestic (urban) tourists and countryside’s population to highlight current cultural issues that can be examined through the notions of nomads and nature.
Neljapäeval 27. veebruaril kl 14.15 "Current Representations and Discourses of Gender Minorities in Mongolia".
Loengu toimumiskoht: Ülikooli 16-109.
Mongolian mainstream discourses are influenced by nationalistic and traditional images and concepts of gender roles. Gender minorities in Mongolia are often facing challenges when openly participating in those discourses and working towards self-determined representations in society. This lecture tries to outline of how internet platform media is used by LGBTQ+ group members to freeing themselves of stereotypical projections in mainstream media discourses and establishing voices and narratives of their own.
Kõik huvilised on oodatud kuulama!
Carsten Friede graduated with a Diploma degree in Mongolian studies, social geography and ethnology at Bonn University and is now working at the Department of Tibetan and Mongolian Studies. Since 2006 he has been in Mongolia regularly for studying and field research and is currently a PhD-Candidate on the topic of “Mediatization of communicative actions in Mongolia”. His field of interest ranges from internet geography and social media over ICT and mobility to civil society and sustainable development in Mongolia.
Info: nooremteadur asolovyova [ät] yandex.ru (Alevtina Solovyeva), eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakond
Carsten Friede loengud toimuvad ERASMUS+ õppejõuvahetuse raames.