Külalisõppejõud Dr Valentina Punzi (Napoli ülikool "L'Orientale") peab inglisekeelse loengukursuse HVKU.04.005 Tiibeti sakraalne geograafia (3 EAP), mis on arvestatav kõikide õppeastmete valikainena. Aine on ÕIS-is registreerimiseks avatud. Loengud toimuvad 6.–14. veebruaril 2017 Ülikooli 16-214.
Loengu tutvustus: This course will offer an introduction to Tibetan sacred geography, by discussing on both past and contemporary Tibetan cultural expressions of the relationship between people and the environment on the Tibetan plateau and in the Himalayan regions. Reflections on the sacralization of the land, practice of pilgrimages and emic concepts of mandala and "hidden lands" will be theoretically framed by Ingold's phenomenological approach to the perception of the environment.
1. 06.02.2017, kl 16.15 (Ülikooli 16-214), Introduction: from the imperial geopolitical unity to the contemporary fragmentation
Reading list:
1. Ingold, Tim. 2000. To Journey Along a Way of Life. Maps, Wayfinding and Navigation. (chapter 13) In The Perception of the Environment. Essays on Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill. Routledge.
2. Selection from: Anand, Dibyesh. 2007. Geopolitical Exotica. Tibet in Western Imagination. University of Minnesota Press. pp. XIII-XIV e 87-107.
3. Huber, Toni. 2001. "Shangri-la in Exile. Representations of Tibetan Identities and Transnational Culture". In Thierry Dodin and Heinz Rather (ed) Imagining Tibet. Perceptions, Projections and Fantasies. Wisdom Publications. Pp. 357-371.
4. Mills, Martin. (draft) 2014. "Who Belongs to Tibet? Governmental Narratives of State in the Ganden Podrang". In Toffin, Gerald and Pfaff-Czarnecka, Johanna (ed) Facing Globalization in the Himalaya. Belonging and the Politics of the Self. Sage Publications. Pp. 398-418.
2. 07.02.2017, kl 12.15 (Ülikooli 16-214),
Visionary geography and interpretative models of the landscape
Reading list:
1. Brauen, Martin. "The Mandala in Tibetan Buddhism".
2. Childs, Geoff. 1999. "Refuge and Revitalization: Hidden Himalayan Sanctuaries (sbas yul) and the Preservation of Tibet's Imperial Lineage" In Acta Orientalia 60. Pp. 126-158.
3. Janet Gyatso. 1987. "Down with the Demoness. Reflections on a Feminine Ground in Tibet". In Willis, Janice (ed) Feminine Ground. Essays on Women and Tibet. Snow Lion Publications. Pp. 133-147.
4. Maurer, Petra. 2012. "Sa dpyad and the Concept of Bla ri". In Ramble, Charles and Sudbury, Jill (ed) This World and the Next: Contributions on Tibetan Religion, Science and Society. PIATS 2006: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Pp: 67-80.
5. Widorn, Verena and Kinberger, Michaela. 2009. "Mapping the Sacred Landscape of Lahaul. The Karzha Khandroling Mandala". In Cartwright, William; Gartner Georg; Meng Liqiu and Peterson, Michael (ed) Cartography and Art. Springer. Pp. 293-304.
3. 13.02.2017, kl 12.15 (Ülikooli 16-214)
Pilgrimages: concepts, ethnographic descriptions and contemporary transformations
Reading list:
1. Buffetrille, Katia. 2003. "The Evolution of a Tibetan Pilgrimage: The Pilgrimage to A myes rMa chen Mountain in the 21th Century". In 21st Century Tibet Issue. Symposium on Contemporary Tibetan Studies.
2. Huber, Toni. 1999. "Putting the Gnas Back in the Gnas skor. Rethinking Tibetan Pilgrimage Practice". In Huber, Toni (ed) Sacred Spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan Culture. A Collection of Essays. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Pp. 77-104.
3. Ramble, Charles. "The Complexity of Tibetan Pilgrimage". In Cueppers, Christoph and Deeg, Max (ed). Searching for the Dharma, Finding Salvation - Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space. Lumbini International Research Institute. pp. 179-196.
4. 14.02.2017, kl 10.15 (Ülikooli 16-214),
Mountain deities in the contemporary political context of Tibetan areas in PRC
Reading list:
1. Berounsky, Daniel and Slobodnik, Martin. 2003. "The Noble Mountaineer: an Account of La btsas Festival in Gengya Villages of Amdo". In Quarterly Journal of Asian and African Studies. Pp. 263-284.
2. Karmay, Samten. 1996. "The Tibetan Cult of Mountain Deities and Its Political Significance". In Blondeau, Anne-Marie and Steinkellner, Ernst (ed) Reflections of the Mountain: Essays on the History and Social Meaning of the Mountain Cult in Tibet and the Himalaya. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Pp. 59-75.
3. Tsering Bum. 2016. "The Changing Role of Tibetan Mountain Deities in the Context of Emerging Environmental Issues: Dkar po Lha Bsham in Yul shul". In Asian Highlands Perspectives 40. Pp. 1-33.