Prof. Sadhana Naithani loeng maagiast, imedest ja eetikast

22. septembril kell 12.15 peab Prof. Dr. Sadhana Naithani (Jawaharlal Nehru Ülikool, New Delhi) loengu teemal  "Magic, Wonder & Ethics". Loeng toimub von Bocki majas (Ülikooli 16) ruumis 109.  Kõik on oodatud!


Building on my last lecture “Folktales as Hyperlink to Reality" in the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, I discuss in this paper two ancient and seminal texts of South Asian Folklore, namely the Jatakas or The Birth Stories of Buddha and Baital Pachisi or The Twenty Five Tales of the Vampire. While magic and wonder are the famous tools of storytelling in the folktales across the world, in these texts magic and wonder have a deep relationship with ethics in and of the real world. The ethical questions they raise are the timeless questions of human-human and human-nature relationships.

Info: Eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakond, Liilia Laaneman,, +372 737 5304