Riikka Taavetti loeng "Queering Estonian Pasts? Locating Glimpses of Undisciplined Sexualities in Personal and Cultural Memories" 21. veebruaril

Neljapäeval 21.02, kell 16-18, peab Riikka Taavetti külalisloengu "Queering Estonian Pasts? Locating Glimpses of Undisciplined Sexualities in Personal and Cultural Memories".
Loeng toimub Lossi 3-307. Olete oodatud!
This lecture discusses the theoretical and methodological issues in analysing glimpses of undisciplined sexualities in Estonian personal and cultural memories. The lecture focuses on two case studies: 1) collection of Estonian life stories on love and sexuality, gathered in year 1996, and their later use; 2) Jaanus Samma’s exhibition Not Suitable for Work: A Chairman’s Tale (2015/2016) as a form of constructing queer memory. The lecture discusses the intertwined nature of personal and cultural memories and analyses the meaning of three temporal layers, the Time Remembered, Time of Remembering and Time of Researching in particular in relation to queer memories.
Riikka Taavetti is a post-doctoral researcher in political history at the University of Helsinki. Her doctoral dissertation, defended in 2018 at the University of Helsinki, is titled “Queer Politics of Memory: Undisciplined Sexualities as Glimpses and Fragments in Finnish and Estonian Pasts.” She conducts her new study on the history of Finnish sex research in a transnational context within a research project “Politics of Reproduction, Sexual Health Professionals, and Individual Experiences in Post-War Finland” (funded by the Kone Foundation, PI Senior Lecturer Hanna Kuusi). Her research interests include Finnish and Estonian queer history, oral history, cultural memory studies, and history of feminism. She has also studied LGBTIQ youth well-being in Finland.
Lisainfo: Kirsti Jõesalu, etnoloogia teadur, kirsti.joesalu@ut.ee
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