Svetlana Tsonkova loeng bulgaaria loitsudest Eesti Akadeemilise Usundiloo Seltsi ettekandekoosolekul 15. novembril 2011

Teisipäeval, 15. novembril algusega kell 16.15 toimub Tartus, Ülikooli 16-102, Eesti Akadeemilise Usundiloo Seltsi ettekandekoosolek, mille raames Kesk-Euroopa Ülikooli (Budapest) doktorant Svetlana Tsonkova peab ettekande teemal "The Formulaic Language of Bulgarian Charms: Verbal Magic Techniques in the Dialogue with the Supernatural".

Ettekande teesid:

The medieval and early modern Bulgarian charms represent a major crossing-point, where different and diverse cultural aspects converge. The most important meeting is the one between the supernatural and the quotidian. This is where the human world, Our World meets and intersects with the supernatural world, the Other World. These two spheres are inseparable and their interaction stays at the very core of the charms, examined in this lecture. The analysis of the source material clearly shows that the content, the functions and the transmission of the charms are all focused on the dynamic relations between the supernatural world and the daily life world. This focal point covers especially the management of the supernatural influence into the quotidian sphere. Here verbal magic is a spiritual, yet very practical tool for coping with the everyday problems and challenges, and for controlling the supernatural powers, presence and impact in daily life. The supernatural world and the quotidian world are in constant contact, and the charms are instruments to establish, maintain, direct or interrupt this contact.

In order to be successful in this crucial dialogue, the verbal magic is using different means and techniques. The fixed formulae in the medieval and early modern Bulgarian charms represent such a tool. Loaded with magical significance and potential, these words of power communicate with the supernatural agents and relate them with the urgent human everyday issues and challenges. My lecture is focused on the formulae in the charms as cultural phenomena. Linguistically fixed, but culturally flexible the formulae in the charms are well adapted to the late medieval and early modern contexts. They shape and frame the dialogue with the supernatural, providing the practitioner with an effective technique to control and direct this dialogue in accordance with certain cultural contexts. Thus the formulaically shaped words of power go beyond the magical practice, connecting it with the broader environment of everyday life.

Info: Madis Arukask, EAUS-i president,

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