Alevtina Solovyeva

Alevtina Solovyeva

Alevtina Solovyeva specialises in comparative Asian studies, Chinese and Mongolian studies, folkloristics, historical and social anthropology, social sciences.

She obtained her first PhD in Asian studies (2016) and the second in Folkloristics (2021). She undertook her postdoctoral research at the Faculty of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge (2022). She has been conducting fieldwork research for various projects in Mongolia, China, and other regions of Inner, Central, and East Asia annually since 2006.

Her current research topics look at the transnational relations of peoples in Central and East Asia, Mongolian peoples’ communities in Mongolia, China and Russia, beliefs and practices in urban and rural environments, contesting authorities and forms of influence, contemporary challenges, collective concerns and social imagination.

2023 From the Tibetan Burial Ground to the Mongolian Steppe: a New Life of the Buddhist Ritual Practice in post-socialist Mongolia. Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaine.

2022 An Immured Soul: Contested Ritual Traditions and Demonological Narratives in Contemporary Mongolia. Contesting Authority: Vernacular Knowledge and Alternative Beliefs. Ed. Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, 361-384.

2021 Multi-Coloured Faiths of Contemporary Mongolia. Challenges of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach: New Horizons in Oriental Studies. Ed. by Agata Bareja-Starzynska. Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Oriental Studies, 229-243.

2021 New Life of the Old Mongolian Demons: Cases of Updated Folk Characters and their Functions. Narrative culture, Vol. 8(2), Belief Narratives, 281-296.

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