Ethnologia Europaea uus number on pühendatud vaikuse ja vaigistamise erinevatele vormidele ja tahkudele argielus. Erinumbri viis kaastööd analüüsivad olukordi, kus teatud teemasid või suhteid välditakse või piiratakse, et kaitsta ja säilitada olemasolevat. Autoreid huvitab vaikus kui loov ja performatiivne jõud, mis vormib agentsust, võimusuhteid ning ühiskonna ja keele piire. Samuti on vaatluse all vaikuse, vaigistatu ning sõnulseletamatu etnograafilise uurimisega seotud probleemid ja võimalused.
Ethnologia Europaea 46:2 (2016)
Journal of European Ethnology
Special issue: Silence in Cultural Practices
Ethnologia Europaea is edited by Marie Sandberg and Monique Scheer
Special issue editors:
Elo-Hanna Seljamaa and Pihla Maria Siim
Contributions to this special issue take a back-door approach to the study of cultural practices by exploring various modes and forms of silence and silencing in daily life. Joining Gregory Bateson and scholars inspired by his concept of noncommunication, the articles examine situations and circumstances where communication is avoided, or deemed undesirable, because it would somehow alter the nature of the idea, relationship or situation in question. Authors also draw attention to the unspoken and the unspeakable as they emerge in ethnographic fieldwork and the research process, discussing the challenges of doing fieldwork on silence and pushing the boundaries of silence as an analytical category.
Silence emerges from this special issue as a productive and performative force constitutive of agency, power and the margins of society and language. Case studies from Estonia, Finland and the north-western and north-eastern part of European Russia trace the roles silence plays in "doing old age" (Karoliina Ojanen), "doing family" (Pihla Maria Siim), and sustaining co-existence in societies divided by ethnic lines (Elo-Hanna Seljamaa). By exploring the symbolic meanings of silence among Evangelicals, two articles (Tuija Hovi and Piret Koosa) add to the growing body of scholarship that questions the fundamental role of language in Evangelical Christianity and seeks to broaden perspectives on understanding conversion.
This volume also includes one open issue contribution by Anne Eriksen, who on the basis of British and Nordic examples explores the entangled genealogies of the notions of history and tradition as the twin products of a uniquely modern temporality.
Elo-Hanna Seljamaa and Pihla Maria Siim:
Where Silence Takes Us, if We Listen to It
Karoliina Ojanen
Silences, Old Age and Institutionalized Care
Elo-Hanna Seljamaa
Silencing and Amplifying Ethnicity in Estonia. An Ethnographic Account from Tallinn
Tuija Hovi
Self-Fulfilling Words and Topics Not to Be Touched Upon. Noncommunication in Neo-Charismatic Rhetoric
Piret Koosa
Evangelical Silence in a Komi Village
Pihla Maria Siim
Family Stories Untold. Doing Family through Practices of Silence
Open issue contribution
Anne Eriksen:
Entangled Genealogies. History and the Notion of Tradition
About the journal
Ethnologia Europaea is a lively and interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal with a focus on European cultures and societies. It carries material of great interest not only for European ethnologists and anthropologists but also for sociologists, social historians and scholars involved in cultural studies.
An impression of the areas covered by the journal is reflected in some of the thematic topics of the issues recently published: Muslim Intimacies (2016), Rage, Anger and other Don’ts (2015), Foodways Redux (2013), Imagined Families in Mobile Worlds (2012), Irregular Ethnographies (2011), Performing Nordic Spaces (2010).
More info:
Selected back issues are available open access at Also available online through research library subscriptions. Please check with your local library.