Margaret Lyngdohi avalik loeng karbide surmakultuurist

Esmaspäeval, 3. juunil kell 16.15 peab TÜ eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakonna doktorant Margaret Lyngdoh avaliku loengu "Singing the Pathways of the Dead: Chomangkan and the Rhetorics of Dying among the Karbi in North Eastern India" (Lauluga surnute radadel: Chomangkan ja suremise retoorika karbide kogukonnas Kirde-Indias). Loeng toimub von Bocki maja (Ülikooli 16) autotooriumis 212. Loengut täiendab ettekandja tehtud etnograafiline film "Chomangkan: Death Ritual of the Karbi Community" (Chomangkan: Karbi kogukonna surmarituaal).

Kõik on oodatud kuulama!

Lähem info: professor Ülo Valk, e-post ulo.valk [ät], tel. 737 5310


Lecture by Margaret Lyngdoh on Karbi Death Culture at the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore on June 3, 2013

On Monday, June 3th, 2013 at 16.15 a lecture titled "Singing the Pathways of the Dead: Chomangkan and the Rhetorics of Dying among the Karbi in North Eastern India" will be delivered by Margaret Lyngdoh, the PhD student of the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu. The lecture will be held in von Bock's Building (Ülikooli 16) room no. 212. This talk will be accompanied by the screening of the ethnographic film titled "Chomangkan: Death Ritual of the Karbi Community".

This presentation is based on primary fieldwork material collected in Karbi Anglong, Assam from the 4-7 of April 2013. The Chomangkan Death Ritual is celebrated among the Karbi ethnic group of North Eastern India. The community comes together to guide the spirits of dead family members to the village of ancestors. Interspersed with multiple layers, this is a complex celebration set in the backdrop of the marginalized position of this community within the greater framework of the Assamese Hindu tradition.

Margaret Lyngdoh is PhD student of Estonian and comparative folklore, University of Tartu. Her studies are supported by European Social Fund's Doctoral Studies and Internationalisation Programme DoRa (Archimedes Foundation).

All are very welcome!

More information: professor Ülo Valk, e-mail ulo.valk [ät], phone: 737 5310


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