Vladimir Sazonov
Dr. Vladimir Sazonov works since 2021 as Associate Professor at the University of Tartu. He teaches lectures on politics, (cultural) history and security (Ancient near East, modern Middle East, Russia).
2010-2013 Vladimir Sazonov was Research Fellow n Oriental Studies and 2013-2020 Senior Research Fellow at the University of Tartu. His research fields comprise Ancient Near Eastern history, Middle Eastern, Russian state ideology and information war.
Vladimir Sazonov published big number of scientific and popular-scientific articles, several books and volumes (e.g., Tartu University Press 2010, 2015 and 2017, 2021; Jim Eisenbrauns (Penn State University Press) 2016; Äripäev 2020; 2022; Springer 202, 2023 etc.) on Middle Eastern history, Russian state ideology and propaganda, also about politics and security. Sazonov is member of several academic organizations – e.g., Estonian Academic Oriental Society and others.
Selected works published in last three years (2021-2023):
Volumes and monographs:
- H. Mölder, C.Voinea, V. Sazonov (2023) (eds). Cultural Change in Political Communities: The Impact of Populism and Extremism on the International Security Environment. Springer Nature
- M. Kõiv, V. Sazonov (eds.) (2022). Kõiv, Mait; Sazonov, Vladimir. Power and (Op)position in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean World. Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 28 (1).
- S. Kupp-Sazonov, V. Sazonov (2022). Su kiri on täis koera haukumist - valik Ivan Julma läkitusi. Tallinn: Äripäev.
- H. Mölder, V. Sazonov, A. Chochia, T. Kerikmäe (Eds.) (2021). The Russian Federation in Global Information Warfare: Influence Operations in Europe and Its Near Abroad. Springer.
Articles and chapters in volumes:
- V. Sazonov, S. Kupp-Sazonov (2024). Despots in the victim's role: Assurbanipal and Putin – two whining tyrants. In: Sebastian Fink (Ed.). Festschrift R. Rollinger. Harrassowitz Verlag. (Philippika) [forthcoming].
- A. Schumann; V. Sazonov, J. Töyräänvuori (2023). Algebraic Structure of Ancient Mesopotamian Omens. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore [forthcoming].
- P. Espak, V. Sazonov (2023). The Origin of Estonian Ancient Near Eastern studies from the 19th Century and its developments until the present day. In: Hans Neumann, Sebastian Fink (Ed.). Towards a History of Assyriology. Münster: Zaphon Verlag [in press].
- S. Fink, V. Sazonov (2023). The 12th century collapse and Assyria: turning point or "usual crisis". In: M. Kõiv; R. Kletter (Ed.). Responses to the 12th Century BC Collapse: Recovery and Restructuration in the Early Iron Age Near East and Mediterranean. Münster: Zaphon. Publications on the Ancient Near East, the Old Testament, Ancient Egypt and Classical Antiquity [in press].
- V. Sazonov, Z. Sliwa, M. Läänemets (2023). The challenge of Chinese reactive foreign policy and how the West should respond. In: Traditional Security Providers Encounter Non-traditional Threats in the Post-Crimean Era. Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek [in press].
- S. Fink, V. Sazonov (2023). Political Culture and Political Agency: From Gaugamela to Mosul. In: Mölder, H., Voinea, C.F., Sazonov, V. (eds). Producing Cultural Change in Political Communities. Contributions to Political Science. Springer.
- H. Mölder, C. F. Voinea, V. Sazonov, N. Foster (2023). Introductory Chapter: Cultural Change in Political Communities and Twenty Years of Crisis in the Twenty-First Century. In: H. Mölder et al (Eds.). Producing Cultural Change in Political Communities. Springer. 1−13.
- V. Sazonov, H. Mölder (2023). Border policies of empires during hegemonic peace from Pax Accadica to Pax Russica: the impact of ‘compatriot’ policies on the survival of empires. In: I. Dumitrache, D.-A. Suharoschi (Eds.). Minorities at the Edge of the Empires Proceedings of the Conference held in Deva (1st-8th September 2019). Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen: Parthenon Verlag, 7−41.
- S. Fink, V. Sazonov (2023). Political culture and political agency: from Gaugamela to Mosul. In: H. Mölder et al. Cultural Change in Political Communities – The Impact of Populism and Extremism on the International Security Environment. Springer.
- A. Schumann, V.Sazonov (2023). Indo-Iranian Names of Gods in CTH 51. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Bréves et Utilitaires 1, 23−26.
- A. Schumann, V.Sazonov (2023). Mesopotaamia jumalanna Nanāia mõjudest Kesk- ja Lõuna-Aasias. Mäetagused, 85, 121−136.
- V. Sazonov, M. Kõiv (2022). Justification of the Usurpation of Power by Hittite Kings. Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, 28 (1), 93−107.
- V. Sazonov, J. Töyräänvuori 2022. Jumalad sõjas: jumalik toetus ja sõdade teoloogiline õigustamine muistses Anatoolias ja Põhja-Süürias. Mäetagused, 82, 147−174.
- V. Sazonov, J. Lahe, (2022). Kriisid hetiidi religioonis: Kantuzili palve ja Muršili II katkupalved. Idakiri: Eesti Akadeemilise Orientaalseltsi aastaraamat, 2021, 107−121.
- V. Sazonov, A. Saumets (eds.). 2022. Putin’s War in Ukraine. Volume I. The Background and Anatomy of Russian Aggression. Estonian Military Academy.
- V. Sazonov, J. Lahe (2022). King and His God(s): A Crisis in the Hittite Religion and Royal Ideology according to the Prayer of Kantuzili and the Plague Prayers of Muršili II. In: S. Fink, K. Dross-Krüpe, M. Kõiv, M.Läänemets (Eds.). Crisis in Early Religion. Springer, 71−84.
- V. Sazonov, I. Ploom, V. Veebel (2022). The Kremlin’s information influence campaigns in Estonia and the Estonian response in the context of Russian-Western relations. – TalTech Journal of European Studies 12 (1), 27−59.
- V. Veebel, I. Ploom, V. Sazonov (2022). How To Outplay A “Mad Man Strategy”: Lessons From Russian Aggression In Ukraine. Sõjateadlane (Estonian Journal of Military Studies), 20, 4−40.
- Ventsel, A.; Hansson, S.; Madisson, M.-L.; Sazonov, V. (2021). Discourse of fear in strategic narratives: The case of Russia’s Zapad war games. Media, War & Conflict 14(1), 21-39.
- Sazonov, V.; Pakhomenko, S.; Kopõtin, I. (2021). Between History and Propaganda: Estonia and Latvia in Russian Historical Narratives. In: Holger Mölder, Vladimir Sazonov, Tanel Kerikmäe, Archil Chochia (Ed.). The Russian Federation in the Global Information Warfare. Influence Operations in Europe and Its Neighbourhood. Springer, 397−423.
- S. Kupp-Sazonov, V. Sazonov (2021). DO Bulgakov's Hella (Gella), Azazello, Behemoth and Abadonna have Ancient Near-Eastern origins. Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 84, 7−24
- Makarychev, A.; Sazonov, V. 2021. Populisms, popular geopolitics and the politics of belonging in Estonia. European Politics and Society, 20(4), 450−469.
- A. Johandi, V. Sazonov, S. Fink (2021). A Neo-Sumerian Administrative Tablet in the University of Tartu Art Museum. Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin, 4, 1−5.
- V. Sazonov, I. Ploom (2021). Some Remarks on the Ideological Core and Political Pillars of the so-called Islamic State. Modern Management Review, 26 (1), 59−80.
- A. Schumann, V. Sazonov (2021). From Mesopotamian Nanāia to Indian Durgā. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Bréves et Utilitaires, 1, 63−67.
- V. Sazonov, I. Ploom, V. Veebel (2021). Russian information warfare in Estonia, and Estonian countermeasures. Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 19 (1), 69−98.